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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Elric


    Massive Mags Fan. (not the context I, for one, usually see the acronym MMF used )
  2. It'll be third placed, after Sulun' disappear further into oblivion, and Pards cha-cha slides into the Champo But aye, West Ham, proper shithouse club and fans alike.
  3. Glad I forgot to transfer kept the faith with Kenedy Saying that, rest of the team did fuck all, so a standard week
  4. Elric


    That Franck Dumas, marra. What a legend.
  5. Elric


    Bally sent yous down, marra. and this: "We sent them down marra" Guaranteed they'd be all over that relegation-by-proxy bullshit if the roles were reversed. Only... they're not reversed, are they? :lol:
  6. Elric


    MagET Office, marra.
  7. Forgot Lee Hendrie even existed, little cunt.
  8. He has variant CJD. (did I do it right?)
  9. Elric


    So applying makemathics, if you have paid off your mortgage on your leasehold property, you are still renting? Love that place; you learn something new everyday (mainly not to bother visiting/mocking the afflicted). Apropos of nothing, the overlap between Keegan and Robson in your avatar looks like some kinda weird conjoined twin (where one has apparently aged quicker than the other). It's the shared eye-space between them Actually, thinking of it, it's not unrelated to the discussion at all. Seems the perfect outlet to discuss hideous mutants* *relating to the picture mash-up only, obvs. There have never been two finer men.
  10. I like Colin Murray, seems really canny. Struggling to think of anyone who isn't obvious for the dislike. Hard to see past the usual PFM-supporting knackers.
  11. 2-2 King and Arter* for them, Lascelles and SlimShadi for Us. *Probably won't even play
  12. Elric

    Jamaal Lascelles

    Wat. Ashley doesn't give a fuck about the future of the club. If anyone offered anything even approaching £100 mil he'd bite their hands off I think and severely hope he's joking mate. It's hard to tell these days, you're probably right though Sorry, Jacky. If you're joking
  13. Elric

    Jamaal Lascelles

    Wat. Ashley doesn't give a fuck about the future of the club. If anyone offered anything even approaching £100 mil he'd bite their hands off
  14. Well, getting a 4-0 hiding isn't drawing, soo...
  15. Roses are red Manchester is blue Fuck Pep Pardiola and fuck Jose too.
  16. Elric


    There's some freak who keeps referring to a 'Chris Coleman', like it's a fucking pseudonym
  17. 85. Quite happy with that, considering I have Aguero but didn't captain him, and I have 19 points sitting on the bench in Adrian, Yedlin and Ogbonna. Quitting this after this season is over like, ridiculous getting annoyed at this piece of shit
  18. Deserves about the same amount of respect as the melanin content of his skin, fucking shit bastard.
  19. Thursday: Take out Son, transfer in Lucas Moura Friday: Moura now shown as injured. Transfer in Kenedy. Canny waste of 4 points right there
  20. Elric

    Rolando Aarons

    Was it that Brazilian who was found to be much older than his advertised age? Trying to remember his name without Google, haha. Edit: Nevermind. My aging memory failed me, that was Chievo
  21. >Slimani reads N-O >Is offended by 'slight' against Islam >Goes to West Ham GuessWhoWinsAgain.gif (NPWs, that's who)
  22. This. Anyone sane can see this coming a mile off.
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