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Everything posted by Elric

  1. The lure of front-foot football was too much. Dat fret.
  2. Edit: toolategoddamnyouChris_R Edit Edit: and KI. P*ss off everyone
  3. But - like in any other business - if you need to buy a printer and hand the responsibility of buying to the cleaner, only for him to turn up the next month with 7 office chairs and a pack of permanent markers.... well, you don't really see direct results there, either. Provide the right funds, to the right people, however... ahh, what's the point man Just die already.
  4. Elric


    "Dipped into his own pocket..." Die of AIDS, you fat cunt.
  5. Elric


    Put some respeck on his name ffs. Rafa, I mean. Not the 'AIDS weight loss plan 2017' winner.
  6. Elric


    He's number one for "fat cockney bastard" as well, which one of you lads is the expert at SEO then?
  7. Elric


    The fact that Ashley remains the number one search result in google images when searching for "fat cockney rapist" must piss him off no end, still Fat cunt.
  8. That heading for the article, man. "Purchase the club to show you're serious about the purchase"
  9. Don't give a fuck what either side has to say tbh, either get the deal done or shut the fuck up.
  10. Which fucking table is it on though? The one in the curry house? I'd suspect it's not there any more.
  11. Triple-captained Sterling this coming game week, so if anyone wants to take him out now's your chance. Expecting a heady 3-point return from this venture
  12. Is it too late to have him swatted? I heard he had hostages in whatever hotel he's at. Guns, too. Lots of guns.
  13. Of course. Daft question. I'd stab him in the face, burn his fucking whale carcass and piss in the ashes. Nee bother. Also, I can't fucking believe what Ashley said about the prophet, like. And those cartoons he drew. Disgraceful. Yep. Mike Ashley. Frequently user of planes. Can-not BELIEVE it. Terrible.
  14. You seen Aguero's opponents? Oh shit, aye Week after he's scored his hat-trick against us, then. That triple captain is calling me now, haha. Watch Pep start Sterling up front or some shit
  15. 54 with Jones and fatty Shaw to play. Next week Aguero is getting binned so I can get Kane back in.
  16. Guess who had Oxlade-Chamberlain in their team? No fucker, that's who. Sterling and Aguero, meanwhile... At least Mr. Teeth is in on the act, love Firminho like
  17. There's literally no one else to blame but Ashley.
  18. Well they desperately needed some pace, so a good signing (as long as he stays fit, obvs).
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