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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Bollocks, might have to captain Son or Eriksen for the double game week then.
  2. Elric


    Now, admittedly, the only ways we have to corroborate the accusation that the Russian leagues have massive problems with racism are from media reports, videos of events, and first hand accounts from players themselves... but care to mention why you disagree? Welcome to the forum, btw
  3. Zero. I'd have more confidence in a post-elevator-scene Richter from Total Recall in saving a shot than I would in Darlow, though
  4. It's the fact he said it at all that's grating. "One team doesn't want to play" = "one team doesn't want to bend over for the most expensively-assembled squad in Premier League history". He can fuck off with that shit.
  5. Late to the party and all that, but couldn't 'Pep' have been fucking gracious in defeat? You got the 3 points, wind your neck in. Privileged cunt.
  6. 23 His hairline was blown backwards by a force 23, maybe.
  7. Yikes. He's a good player like, but... wow. I wonder if any of his previous clubs have a sell on fee? They'll be rubbing their hands together if they do
  8. Poor man's Gary McAllister, receding cunt.
  9. Alan Barnes up front. Goes down under a moderately strong challenge, feigning injury. While concerned city players look to the sidelines for medical support he snides one in from 20 yards. £10 goal bonus.
  10. In all seriousness, if there's a team you wouldn't mind resting a few players against it's us. Wouldn't be surprised to see a few of their 'reserves' ()
  11. Expecting nowt less than a brutal, old-school hiding. 4 or 5 nil. Love to be proved wrong.
  12. Binned Hazard a couple of weeks ago, frustrating cunt that he is. Hoying in either of Coutinho or Salah is probably a safe bet like 41 so far, got three from Man City - de Bruyne ©, Sterling and Fernandinho - left.
  13. Mr Teeth has done wonders for my score these last two weeks like
  14. Kinda hope this McBurnie lad scores, poor kid
  15. In the last 2 games my back 5 has scored about 10 points, combined, between them. Fucking arseholes
  16. Good to see Kane draining himself of goals just in time for me triple-captaining during the double game week
  17. What the fuck man If we weren't such a shambles we should have been all over that.
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