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Everything posted by Elric

  1. How come Glenn didn't unleash our star signing against Fulham? Surely with his trickery we would have won the match. Roeder out blueupset.gif
  2. Actually, I can't continue the front that my previous post may have suggested. Siberski. SIBI-MOTHERFUCKING-ERSKI. You're having a fucking laugh, you motherfucking pair of clowns. Freddy I'm going to have you dragged through Newcastle, by a horse and cart blaring out DJ Oetzi or some such fucking shite, right to my doorstep where I will thereby proceed to piss into your eyes you fat fucking cunt. FUCKING SIBIERSKI MAN! AGGHHGHHGHGHGHGHGHGH. Cunts :wullie:.
  3. Still waiting for the punchline here. Sibierski. FFS
  4. Elric

    Same old Sunderland

    Fuck knows, but I bet they somehow incorporated "2-1" into their usernames somewhere :roll:
  5. Elric

    Same old Sunderland

    My thoughts exactly. Niall'll be calling himself into his office first thing in the morning
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