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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. It doesn't half help if you've got pace and a great first touch. Positioning can be learnt.
  2. Like the idea of Martin too. Had a quiet year and so might fit into the bargain category.
  3. Most important thing is to beat Wigan and put the pressure on Spurs playing the day after. The last three games are in the lap of the Gods and a true test.
  4. Shilton Anderson Hanson Lawrenson Pearce Hoddle Souness Charlton R Best Gullit Dalglish
  5. morpeth mag

    Alan Pardew

    Happy to have a lucky manager if thats how he stumbled on the present formation. Personally think he got here by design but think its fair to say we could have reached the present formation and players sooner. I think we had such a good start in terms of results that it was too easy to stick with the early season formula. We tried the 433 pre Xmas but the signing of Cisse, the realisation that HBA has to play and the move of Jonas to a central holding player has only really happened these last six games. Additionally Cabaye looks at home in a midfield three though I think he could player deeper or in the role he played against Stoke. Santon has also looked stronger recently.
  6. I hope City win today and in the Manchester derby because that ŵould set up some game for us to watch early May.
  7. To 'Drop your shoulder' is to feint to go one way , then go the other. It was sublime but unfortunately he is paired with simpson and it came to nothing. when we get Debuchy..........
  8. Credit to Tiote and Jonas as well as Cabaye for making it work in midfield today
  9. I heard Shanks is back managing the stiffs.
  10. morpeth mag

    Alan Pardew

    Our final position is determined by winning games not goal difference. I think in the past four games we've gone 2-0 up and just shut up shop. If a third comes along, great, but we're set up not to concede. I think this is a winning mentality we need to adopt and in time the big wins will come. Glad he protected Cabaye and Cisse today. Not just for them but vecause it's the squad that's got us here and we should trust them to close out games. I still think we're a team just forming and today was 3-0 without ever really leaving third gear - just a few moments of class.
  11. £25k is a fair offer for a squad player in a top six side. I think Danny sees himself as a first team regular for the next four years, I hope the club see it differently. Wish Danny well whatever happens and certainly think his recent games have been his best of the season.
  12. FA should charge Young (3 game ban) and give MUFC a five point suspended penalty for failing to control their players. It would end diving overnight.
  13. We just need to get Champ Lge ahead of Spurs an Chelski so we canned these rumours. If someone offers £25m for Tiote then I'd sell but everyone else is off limits.
  14. I've got a quote ready from Derek Llambias 'Yeah Arry Redknapp we could ave ad him. We scouted him extensively but we went elsewhere. In the end is he at better than what we've got? Probably not, at least with Pards we don't need to bung Rosie and his bank account is on Gosforth High Street. Do we have any regrets? Yeah we have a few but none about this particular Cock(ney).' Just waiting for him to say the words.
  15. We're about 100-30 at present to finish top 4. I think we can top Chelski, especially if we avoid defeat there, but can't see Spurs dropping many points unless they continue to implode. Arsenal are too far ahead if they win at Wolves tonight. Would 'Luv it' if we qualified but glorious failure is our more normal friend. Think we might need to win all five.
  16. I was at the Portsmouth game when Beardsley scored that goal. The train line to Portsmouth was closed and we had to travel via Brighton. We were so late that we had to get off the free bus and get a taxi for the last 20 miles. When we got to the ground the away turnstiles were shut (about 15:40) and we had to go in the home end. We were told it was 0-0 when we were actually one up. Beardsley scored said wonder goal, we cheered and were promptly chased by Portsmouth hard lads until we found the law who saved us. Keegan and Beardsley both scored doubles, Mark Hateley for them with a young Neil Webb in their line up. A good day out in the end.
  17. Good squad player but not a first choice for a Champs League team. Same goes for Williamson. We need to retain possession better.
  18. I think he's looked sluggish the last three games on top of the non scoring run - it's clearly affecting him. In fact you can go back to the pen miss / ACN as the start of his woes. Without looking up the stats I wonder if a full season in the PL is starting to tell. Even if he played that number of games in Germany I doubt they were with the same intensity, Just hope the 12 days rest does him good and that something easy drops his way against Stoke. Personally think he's suited to 433 in the centre or on the left.
  19. Another assist yesterday!
  20. Shame he isn't the same player since his injury. Still handy squad option.
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