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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. I hope Woy let's Gary Neville give that battle cry as his team talk at the Euros.
  2. Oh good, Redknapp with Champions League money this summer.
  3. Please tell me there are screen grabs of Man Utd fans crying. I want to taste their tears.
  4. Come on Villa you useless, boring cunts. Fluke a winner. Or just get relegated. One of the two.
  5. I'm not particularly happy for City, but inflicting a little misery on Man Utd is providing more consolation than I thought it would.
  6. Excellent news. At least Woy is somewhat likeable. Trying to support Redknapp's England over Cabaye/HBA at the Euros would feel...wrong.
  7. Once or twice a season you expect a result like that. But Fulham and Spurs results were the same. Give up an early goal and they fall to bits.
  8. Outplayed in every position. Going to put this down to coaching. He didn't have them ready for this.
  9. Get it wide. I think they need to get it wide. Newcastle aren't getting it wide.
  10. Miraculously finishing 4th and then missing out on CL because Chelsea's B team fluke their way past Bayern in Munich would be the most typically Newcastle event I can imagine.
  11. Enjoy this one Pulis! Comprehensive victory achieved through entertaining, attacking play, not towel boys, long throws and anti-football.
  12. Is there no way for the fitness doctors to screen for this or is it totally random?
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