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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. Need 3 points against QPR, a team already down, in order to almost surely ensure survival. If you can't manage that, you deserve what you get.
  2. What do you think a manager is paid for if it isn't to get the best perfomance out of the players available? If player are taking the p*ss, who is responsible if not the manager? He is 100% responsible for the result, and he should pay for this year with his job. But bad managers at the bottom of the league seem to be getting better results with inferior players. The players on the pitch have some agency in the outcome, regardless of how they are set up or what their manager says at half time. I'd expect to see a lot better effort than 0-6 at home to a mid table side with nothing to play for even if it was Pardew, Kinnear or anyone at the top.
  3. If he's clinically depressed or something, then he should be getting treatment and not playing football. If not, his attitude is shit and he's the last person that should be captain in these circumstances. Nothing to do with his nationality. Would have been gutted to see him sold last summer, but he's been a never-ending disappointment this season.
  4. Cooled down a little. Pardew is an atrocious man manager, an atrocious tactician, doesn't make in-game adjustments and has been exposed this season for the mouthpiece he is. The main criticism of Chris Hughton was that he was a coach, not a manager. Well Alan Pardew looks like a football manager, but he is failing to get these players ready to play on Saturday/Sunday. When Sissoko regresses this quickly, it's clear something is broken in how these players are being prepared and coached. Having said that, the impact of one man only goes so far. Managers like Allardyce, Pulis, and others I wouldn't want anywhere near the club are getting better results when it matters in big games with inferior talent. And they certainly aren't getting easily beaten by poor local rivals or shafted 6-0 at home two weeks later. You don't lose 6-0 without players taking some responsibility. Why has our club captain f***ed off to Argentina to watch his local team instead of staying to help his team mates prepare in any way he can? Especially when his replacement is learning the English league as he goes. Why does HBA leave for France after every injury and come back noticeably out of shape when we need him? There is obviously latent ability, because these players have the international caps to show for it. But I'm questioning the character. I want Pardew gone, but the heads dropping and letting in 6 goals (or the routine second half collapses, or the away form) is not all on the direct consequence of his failures, even if he bares the ultimate responsibility. Even monkeys like Big Sam and Pulis manage to get the odd result away from home or avoid embarrassments like today.
  5. Sack the cunt now and find new homes for the gutless, overrated failures he's on charge of. This is a disgrace.
  6. You're not serious, man? The players don't deserve a bonus, but I find it astounding that you seem to indicate that the buck doesn't stop at Pardew for managing these players and building a team out of them. Not true. Pardew wants sacking today, but Cisse and Cabaye and Tiote and Sissoko and basically everyone but HBA have been SHIT when we needed them. Blaming a hopeless nonce of a manager is easy. Wake the fuck up. These players have limited abaility and dont turn up when they are desperately needed.
  7. Hopeless PR man for a manager and a squad of overrated shits. Cant finish because they are trained by a moron and were overrated bargain signings. Fuck the lot of them, manager on down
  8. Spurs will lose this won't they. Total cunts.
  9. After all the early hype around Sissoko, he hasn't put in a good 90 minutes in the league for weeks.
  10. This will get lost in blaming Pardew for his "tactics" when he should be sacked for failing to get the squad fit and motivated. Sissoko and Cabaye have looked shit together and Cisse was a joke in the second half.
  11. Pardew Pardew Pardew.... Some of the players themselves are showing zero effort. No composure, inability to pass.
  12. Not feeling confident, but I at least expect some individual performances after the shambles last week. Pardew might be a lost cause as a manager, but his tactics don't go anywhere near explaining getting turned over by that shower of shit. Some of the players that let the club down last week need to try and earn a little redemption.
  13. It's not tactics, it's execution. Sitting deep and defending or long ball wouldn't be a problem if we were good at it. Players with good reputations and good CVs have become incapable of organized defending or taking a corner. The players have to take some responsibility for their own shit performances, but Pardew isn't do anything with the talent he has available. It's been a full season, and we still can't take a corner properly.
  14. There are three or four key players that absolutely need to stay healthy in April and May. I wish the team had played their way into making the Europa tournament the focus, but they didn't.
  15. chicago_shearer


    Is Howard Wilkinson still around? Get him in.
  16. The opportunity cost of two more full strength fixtures in that Europa tournament is looking very high.
  17. Loss in Ukraine to cap this campaign off I think. Maybe my firstborn will get to see them play in the magic of Qatar 2022.
  18. No worries on missing Brazil, always Qatar and Russia to look forward to.
  19. I try, but I can't stand this team. A World Cup in Brazil would have been epic, but they cock it up against middling opposition again. Truly hopeless. And then they'll turn back into world beaters next time they play for their club sides. The performances have been consistent dog shit for years.
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