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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. If we got into CL, we'd arguably be Puma's most prominent club deal. Can do better than a shit template.
  2. After last summer's US tour, probably not! Injuries and Barton's ban were not ideal, but if the objective of pre-season is to prepare a team that hits the ground running when the season kicks off then it can't have been a total failure?
  3. Their success. Dalglish actually blamed their successful cup runs for the loss. To be fair, success has a well known anti-scouser bias.
  4. Turbo shit performance. Epic relief result. Rest of Sunday enjoyment salvaged. Thanks Shola!
  5. Glad we've got the points we have now, because this, Spurs and Fulham have been total shit.
  6. "Gentlemen, we have allowed ourselves to be totally outclassed today. Some of you are truly spineless and disgusting. Let's sit quietly for 15 minutes and reflect on our lack of character and humiliation."
  7. Shitter teams than us put up more of a fight. Folding like this after an early mistake is unacceptable.
  8. I hope England do well this summer ((( )))) but with Arry in charge this must be the least like able team I can remember.
  9. At this rate, I think in order for him to be dropped, he has to sit/lay down on the pitch for a couple of minutes, or go over to the bench and say: "I f***ing stink, get me out of here man, Jesus"! Then that will be the last and final straw. Until the Dembas both get injured, we're forced to play him, and he scores a fluke goal after accidentally falling onside, the ball bouncing off his arse. Then he's a "decent squad player" again, the squad will be too small to get rid of him, and the vicious cycle of Shola's shitness repeats itself.
  10. Hope his anterior cruciate ligament is torn to shreds by a rabid dog.
  11. This would be easier to take if we'd just been '100% shit' and not '50% really good and 50% worst I've probably ever seen' Also be easier to take if Shola's season ended today.
  12. I hate Shola Ameobi. Not in a fun, ironic way. But in the way you shouldn't hate a player from your own team.
  13. To go from the way we were playing in the first half to this with nothing but the addition of Andy Johnson ranks as the single worst collapse I've ever seen.
  14. Fucking embarrassing. Looking forward to 30 minutes of thumping long balls to an offside Ameobi now. No thank you.
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