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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. SE LA PER DYOOOOO Translation: Fucking Shit.
  2. LOL...worse than the women.
  3. What is the point of a long run up? Put the ball on the spot, take two steps back, pick a corner, whack it. Don't give yourself 3 yards of space to loose your footing and fuck it up.
  4. Fun to watch as a neutral, but I'd like to see a tournament that uses another way of deciding. I like the idea someone raised a while ago about removing a player from each side after every 5 minutes after 120 minutes. Not sure how that would play out, but I'd like to see it. HAHAHAHA...what a penalty
  5. Pens, bring back Chilavert.
  6. That blonde one on the US bench had a nice arse, surely the team can take some solace from that.
  7. Wow, 0-0, missed another edge of the seat Copa America encounter.
  8. We will incur long term injuries this season. Every team does. Someone is breaking a leg, I hope it's not someone important, but it very well could be. Counting players back from injury as new signings makes as much sense as counting 2011's long term injuries as outgoing.
  9. Well done Uruguay. That's how you do penalties.
  10. Oh well, extra time. Good excuse for a T-Mobile girl break.
  11. Bye Mascherano. Come on Uruguay.
  12. Fucking shit since the break.
  13. Game ruined. Deserved to go though.
  14. Sadly, morons are going to be morons whatever time of day or night it is. Wait til we go down to Leeds. Aye, could get a bit messy. Those Yorkshire twats are reet bastads. Just wait for the shit storm of blood and booze fueled violence that is Kansas City, Missouri.
  15. Would result in the same problems as American leagues...perenially awful teams with owners who have no interest or incentive for success and face no penalty for underachievement. Maximize profit from ticket, kit and sponsorship. No investment really required in players. Repeat next season.
  16. It doesn't have to do with practice. It's that the English are psychologically broken when it comes to handling the pressure of the shootout.
  17. Proven match winner would be nice...I'd settle for the fact that he's played several seasons in the league. Barton may or may not be here next season, which would leave Jonas and Tiote as the only two regulars ithe midfield having played a full season in the Premiership. Zog wold be extremely useful in helping Ben Arfa and the new French signings adjust.
  18. And also the most blatant penalty ever.
  19. Chile have an epic national anthem
  20. The replay of that goal....fucking hell that was good.
  21. I can hear the Mexicans celebrating outside.
  22. Nice little goal from Chicharito
  23. Hope he gets some French language tapes for Father's Day. Would probably make his job easier next season.
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