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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. In what respect? Begins with G? Other French players with a last name beginning with G that we should sign: Gignac. Great on FM, played with Ben Arfa, tall, young-ish, good in the air. Never seen him actually play, but I'm sure thats the case with most of the people in this thread.
  2. Go on Rio, have a nice old Tweet about it. It will be ok.
  3. Pain on the face of Man Utd supporters is one of the rare joys in all of sport.
  4. "oh there's 5 minutes of added time!" At least try to contain the excitement.
  5. I think it might be good for Ranger's future development to be subbed off for a 45 year old Finn when we are a goal down. Might give him something to reflect on.
  6. Granted, the team today team is shit, but it shouldn't be made this comfortable for a team under as much pressure as Villa. You should at least make them sweat. Houllier is the only one that looks tense.
  7. I could do with less of Guthrie and Ranger. Villa will shit themselves in the second half and give away opportunities as struggling teams do, but I don't know who is going to take advantage.
  8. Careful. A few people on this board who struggle with math decided we were safe in early February, and any differing opinion makes you a kneejerking hysteric, just like this smiley ->
  9. Oba lifting a trophy. Ha. Im really surprised by the extent of my own bitterness. Genuinely hope the cunts go down now. Especially after ruining 7th.
  10. Carr, Bowyer, Martins. Makes me sick. Glad I'm not the only one. This is a bit surreal. How did this bunch of mercenaries actually win something. Extremely jealous of course, but it burns more because they are absolute shit.
  11. yeah cos you're brainwashed assholes who are lead to believe that all in your society is good. Was the 'lead' another gun related pun?
  12. Or ever. In Chicago, The Globe, Fados and Gingers. If you can stand the saaaacer fans with their Wayne Rooney shirts at 8 in the morning, there are usually a few Newcastle supporters mixed in. In addition to FSC and FSC +, The Globe will also occasionally show streaming games on a projector, so that is probably your best bet.
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