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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. superb article Caulkin is the only football journo worth reading. Great stuff.
  2. Just watching the national anthems in the US v. T&T game and I swear there was a bloke in the crowd with a swastika tattoo on his head.
  3. You can hardly blame if we go down, but I see your point. Maybe he is thinking less about his career and more about how totally ruinous it would be if the club went down. Or maybe he IS thinking about his career, and would prefer to manage Newcastle in the Premier League and not after the Leeds like meltdown that I guarantee would follow relegation.
  4. I reckon Dowie is the contingency plan in case the worst happens. Kinnear will be moved upstairs regardless (or he might leave) and Dowie will get the job if we end up in the fizzy pop. Shearer will stay on if he keeps us up.
  5. England not only well on their way to qualifying, but doing it the easy way for a change.
  6. If this is an April Fools involving BBC News, Sky Sports and the entire international media then I totally give up on football and quite possibly lie.
  7. Me too mate. Shit day at work, argument at home, finally check the BBC.com to see what other bullshit has been happening in the world and ALAN SHEARER HAS ONLY GONE AND BEEN APPOINTED MANAGER! Get the fuck in.
  8. That fat bastard owner, trying to get the fans on his side. Who does he think he is? I miss the days of Shepherd and blatant hostility towards the supporters. COME ON PEOPLE - THINGS AREN'T GOING TO CHANGE IF YOU RESPOND TO A GOOD MOVE WITH CYNICISM - GIVE AL A CHANCE!
  9. BTW, if this is an April Fools wind up I'm going to top myself.
  10. Shearer >>>> Obama. Come on baby, feel the love, CHANGE HAS COME TO NEWCASTLE
  12. Good god. That is horrendous Careful, the people who thought the new England kit was too boring are probably loving that. Lots of neon and squiggly lines. Also, whats up with the Spanish face paint?
  13. Slovakia were s***, but England finally looked comfortable and confident at Wembley which is a very good sign.
  14. Can we possibly get some sort of good news at some point? Maybe Steven Taylor rescuing a kitten from a tree? But that would be communication, and they don't do that. Better just to let the rumour fester for a few months and breed a little more anger and discontent. We could do with that really.
  15. That kit is great actually. If you want to buy neon, stripey plastic bin liners, fair enough.
  16. Would I take relegation for Kevin bloody Keegan? Is that a joke? Some people still don't understand how potentially ruinous relegation could be to this club. We still have massive debts, and most of our first team squad will leave. And we don't have a manager. THERE WILL BE NO 'CLEAN SLATE'
  17. Those missed opportunities may be the difference between 17th and 18th, but the overall reason we are almost certainly going down is a full year of spineless incompetence from the playing staff (with very few exceptions), the selfishness of our first full time manager this season, the ineptitude of our second, and about five years of suicidal administration from the top. A fat moron with no understanding of good finance followed by a fat moron with no understanding of football - fucking incredible. That is going to be my last word on the subject (if I can help it). I'm sick of sitting around at work and worrying about relegation, I can only imagine what its like for you lads in the area. I'm hoping for a miracle, but you don't dig a ditch this deep and expect to get out at the last minute. I can only hope that the list of men responsible for killing this club (players, managers and owners - all plural) suffer the same fortunes in their careers that they have forced upon NUFC.
  18. I wouldn't wish an injury on any player, but if someone beat the shit out of his kneecaps with a 9 iron it would probably be worth at least a point on the Relegationometer.
  19. I lost all my respect for Keegan last year, but at least he had the bright idea to change a broken team.
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