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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. 8. What astounds me is that we are plainly on course for relegation....the plane is seconds away from crashing into the mountain....and the guys in charge still haven't figured out the problem. They will keep on playing Nicky Butt and Shola until the very bitter end. How can we be expected to survive with these idiots? What is it going to take? You just want to grab them, shake them, and scream it in their thick fucking faces. Do...not...play....Butt. How can they keep doing the same things and expecting different results....this is a sign of severe mental disability not just bad management. x10 Although we could do with a :houghton: as well to be honest.
  2. The players don't care, they aren't good enough, and they can go fuck themselves. And the management are just as bad. They've earned whatever is coming. I'm off to do something far less depressing, my taxes.
  3. I hope I live to see the day that Man Utd have a genuinely poor season.
  4. I remember saying this to my dad months ago. Exactly the sort of player Arsene goes for, and exactly the sort of player they need. Cunts.
  5. That, minus the shamrock with wide B&W stripes please. First decent adidas design I've seen.
  6. From the moment King Kev, Ashley and Wise flushed our season down the toilet with their infantile squabbling, this s*** storm was inevitable. The relegation fight was confirmed as soon as Keegan walked out the door and on to the first tee.
  7. chicago_shearer


    Adolf's minge for manager tbh. Better interim option than Veneables,
  8. Absolutely no chance he will be here next season, very little chance he will play again for us this season, and a more than fair chance that he will return to Australia this summer to eat bbq shrimp pies all day and never be heard from again. Bye.
  9. Yes, Blatter is a weasel. But a little "socialism" or equal opportunity for clubs in the Premier League will look like a much brighter idea when we are looking up from the fizzy pop. Man Utd and their cuntish supporters will be winning trophies for the remainder of the century unless we take some measures to ensure that a small group of clubs are not able to monopolize all the money, talent and interest in the game. It simply isn't fair that the top 4 battle for Champions League, the middle 4 battle for mid table, and the rest of the league fight relegation. f*** that. That isn't the world's best, most competitive league. It is hardly a league at all.
  10. chicago_shearer


    If there is one guy who is to blame for all of this, it is absolutely Alan Shearer. Sitting there in his MotD studio, thinking we could beat Man U, refusing to volunteer for a job that nobody on here thinks he can do or should do. Who does he think he is?
  11. He's been the physio for a team that has spent the past decade at the top of the injury league table. He is shit. I mean just look at the fat bastard.
  12. I'd like to know what about Smith impressed you so much today. The fact that he only passed the ball straight to the opposition twice? You are thinking of Nicky Butt, the short, ridiculously old, balding English midfielder right? The one who peaked as a player about a decade ago and is battling Shola Ameobi for the honour of worst player in this god awful team?
  13. This team plays to the level of their opponents, it is what poorly managed (or un-managed), teams with no leadership or character do. They might have looked OK against Man Utd today, but that is not indication that they will not slip back into Bolton form against Hull. Lose and we're done.
  14. I think we're down already, but I'm a natural pessimist. The Bolton game evaporated the last few drops of hope I had. The simple fact is that we are represented in this dogfight by a managerless, rudderless collection of slightly better than mediocre players. Statistically, we don't have any chance of beating Villa, Liverpool, Arsenal or Chelsea. So the points must come against teams that are better organized and seemingly much more motivated for this fight. I just don't think this set of players have it in them, and I don't see any evidence to prove me wrong. If this thing comes down to needing 6 points in the last 3 games of the season - and it will - then I just can't see it. These aren't players that inspire confidence.
  15. f*** it. We'll win. This club has become so consistently s*** that it is boring, and Newcastle is never boring. We are due for something unexpected. Let's say we'll fluke a 2-1, both Taylors scoring.
  16. Good. Now lets hope they dwell on that and it ushers in a nice long losing run for them.
  17. This is the real problem at the moment, not the fact that the team is shit. When we have these ugly, winner takes all battles against Hull, Pompey and Boro it will come down to character and commitment. And I'm worried they will want it more. When the pressure is on, these guys fold.
  18. There isn't a problem with Jonas Gutierrez that replacing Butt & Ameobi with footballers wouldn't fix.
  19. After a cup of coffee and a bacon sandwich, I'm prepared to say a 7.5 instead of the 10.0 I was considering earlier. This loss does not guarantee relegation. What it practically guarantees (barring some miraculous run against vastly superior sides) is that our survival will depend on the final 3 games of the season. So stock up on the beta blockers now friends, because the run in is going to be so much fun.
  20. At the end of this season can someone please just tear up his contract. Forget trying to sell him, just sack him. Pay the money, do whatever it takes. Don't give him a choice. We could sign 4 or 5 of the world's greatest strikers this summer, but so long as Shola Ameobi is on the books he will find a way to get in the team. If he is here, he will play. An outbreak of polio affecting all strikers but him, something, some cruel joke will occur that forces us to fall back on Shola. The man is a bad habit, the packet of cigarettes in the kitchen drawer that you will always return to when times are hard unless you flush them down the toilet. That is what needs to happen. Shola needs to be flushed from the club, association ended, gone, free to score against us as all former players do when we have an FA Cup tie against Yeovil or Swindon - wherever he ends up next.
  21. I dear god, I havnt thought about that yet. Not having midfielders is still preferable to Nicky Butt.
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