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Everything posted by simonsays

  1. Unless the tapes were shown to be fake i dont See how the CPS wouldnt have enough to go to trial with
  2. Im not trying to defend it - i said it was a bad tackle. I was just asking why it was any different to Fabinho's
  3. The hope is that Chelsea get desperate to get some players off their wage bill.
  4. More annoyed she didnt say 'dance a jig' tbh
  5. Yeah. Young and english is about as safe as you can get in FFP terms
  6. No, I think the majority on here feel the same.
  7. If a load of our fans had chased his car and put a roadblock up to stop him getting away i think i'd be fairly sympathetic Edit:. Sorry, thought you were talking about Gordon. I would have been pretty pissed off if it was one of ours in the Fraser situation
  8. I can understand other fans disliking our players. I dont get the hate for Eddie Howe though - hes always calm, fair and measured
  9. Im happy with the win, but we should have been out of sight
  10. What the fuck is Goodman talking about? Its not like Joelinton scored with his hand. Daft cunt
  11. We really should try miggy on the left. He skinned his man there and pulled off a great cross without having to break stride
  12. So, if the ref doesnt give it as a handball then its a goal, if he does then it isnt a goal. Irrespective of if it hits his hand or not. What the fuck is then point of VAR then?
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