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Everything posted by geordie_b

  1. If he comes out and admits his system didn't work, dismantles it, sacks Dennis Wise and gets in a good manager and backs him I'd be happy. Can't see it happening. Bassong Colocinni Jonas even Xisco. Can't comment on Gonzalez as he's barely played. Yes we signed some decent players but the structure resulted in the manager walking out and creating this crisis, whish is why we are now down at the bottom of the league. So thats the result of a petty childish manager then?
  2. A selection of comments by neesy today oba not playing for the team as usual he should be shouting leave it though, he can speak english now butt and barton are not the answer tbh jonas not the having the greatest of games the fenham pele is back again cacapa again how the f*** is duff still on f*** off owen saw it all the way this ref has been shocking barton is not a good footballer If youve got nothing useful to say, shut the f*** up!!
  3. Spurs were awful today and just got lucky. They are still crap and a bunch of fackin cunts to match!
  4. Wow! you really are a photoshop king...... :S
  5. It wasnt even offside, what a pikey!
  6. I was curious about that as well as they were cordoned off before most of the other Blackburn fans were in. Intially I thought that it was there hooligan element but ive since been told that it was some Sunderland fans. Who knows....
  7. What's hard? Hardly the time the joke (As if its ever the time to about such things, true or not)
  8. I would have kicked the disrespectful little cunt too. Fully expect a longer ban and compensation case to follow though.
  9. VICTORY FOR THE MONGS! Dumb fucks who have nothing better to do nor the intelligence to see the bigger picture.
  10. If he comes back then surely we have an unsackable manager which is not a very good idea.
  11. I didnt clap as it should not have been in the ground and was detrimental to the game/team. I would say around a third of people didnt clap.
  12. A Mackem and a Cockney...........................
  13. What are you protesting about?
  14. Massive move in the betting for Poyet. He was trading at 8.0 last night on betfair and now 2.1, suggests an approach has been made.
  15. Exactly, its our club, we arent the ones who should leave.....
  16. How about a 'first in, last out' protest? Go in the minute the gates are open and leave when we are removed. A couple of thousand people singing in an empty ground would make a fair amount of noise and the message will be simple 'We were here before you came and we will be still here when youve gone!'. The press will be in the ground to cover it and we could easily congregate in the same area. Also means everyone will be up for the game and ready to do the most important thing, supporting Newcastle United.
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