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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Unfortunately for us, we would have needed to be above them already for that to happen. They've RVP and Rooney coming back, with Mata (at least) coming in. They'll improve with those 3, while we will just plod along same old.
  2. Decky


    Like Wigan did in the FA Cup? Anything can happen in a cup final. I hope they do get bummed, but I thought they would from Man Utd as well. Given how their run has gone I'm fearful of some cup final magic bullshit and them winning. I think they'll beat us in the derby too. Nothing to do with their cup run, more to do with Pardew's attitude and preparation in previous derbies.
  3. Decky


    That's close enough to Man Utd's strongest side at the moment.
  4. No chance whatsoever? It's January and they're 6 points behind. There's no reason why they can't go on a good run when Van Persie and Rooney return. They've a lot of catching up to do, but it's not beyond them.
  5. I think Man Utd are fucked personally, in terms of the title race anyway. At least until the summer after next season. They need to get new players in asap, but as soon as they do they then need to think about replacing some of their ageing players. It's Man Utd, so they can't just pick up players for £5m here and there, they need top quality. Look at their squad compared to Man City and Chelsea to see exactly how much improvement they need. Both of those teams will be buying players while Man Utd buy too. Their main problem right now is funding this restructuring, especially after already spunking over £25m on Fellaini who isn't good enough imo. I never thought Moyes was a good fit for them when he was appointed, and I still don't think he is. They need someone who already knows how to build a title winning side rather than someone who needs to learn. They also need someone with a reputation that attracts big players because if quality is available then they're more likely to go to a Mourinho side etc than a David Moyes one, especially after he struggled this season. I still think they'll just about finish top 4 this season, but if they don't it'll be interesting to see how Moyes handles the pressure from the over privileged glory hunters. One thing they won't get from me is sympathy. These people* think they deserve success, that they have a right to just take it and how dare they go one season without winning something. They've laughed in everybody else's face for years too and when they lose a couple of games in a row they like to tell supporters of less successful clubs how bad they have it. In an ideal world they would float around mid table for years and the glory seekers would fuck off to another sport, but it's not going to happen. *Not all of their fans, obviously.
  6. Decky

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    It says a lot about Joe Kinnear that he says no one is leaving and it doesn't change a God damn thing. Keep the thread title the same.
  7. Decky

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    I really hope we can keep him for the rest of the season. And during the World Cup as well actually. I was looking forward to seeing an NUFC player do the business for one of the big sides this summer. I can't say I blame him for wanting to leave as well. 8th is pretty much our ceiling for the foreseeable future and players like Cabaye can do better. I wish him well if he goes and he'll still be one of my favourite players (if he doesn't go to another BPL side that is).
  8. Midds has pretty much summed up btw. If it was anything major they would have said it straight away, or somewhere else would have got wind of it.
  9. We've sold the naming rights to SJP finally. And we've also sold the club name and colours to Sports Direct in exchange for Ashley getting Gomis.
  10. NUFCfans saying they can't announce it until their "second source" confirms it. Fucking arseholes.
  11. It wouldn't surprise me if even selling Cabaye didn't get us spending. I wouldn't put it passed Ashley to see how we get on until January.
  12. I can't even laugh at shit like that, because people interviewing him don't have the balls of properly challenge his drivel. Managers get away with so much in football, they shouldn't be allowed to spout massive amounts of contradicting shit every time they lose.
  13. Our next set of fixtures don't look so good. City, 2 away games (West Ham and Norwich), mackems, Chelsea away, then Spurs. We'd need to be finding our form again quick as fuck after City or we definitely will be in a rut. We're not getting anything from City, and if we don't win one of those two away games the pressure for the mackem game will be massive.
  14. Beat the mackems and finish top 10. It would take a special kind of fuck up to not achieve the latter at this stage, but Pardew is more than capable. I honestly can't see us winning the derby either after the last two outings. I'd take a draw in it now tbh.
  15. Pardew being completely clueless is only part of why we lost. The other part is the owner putting no value in the cups at all and Pardew being a coward and a yes man. Pardew being sacked wouldn't change a thing imo, we need the lot of them to fuck off.
  16. Long shots and set pieces are part of football? Who knew?
  17. Well hopefully the 2 week break this month will mean we do some business in the transfer window.
  18. The only thing worse than going out is having to listen to this fucking prick behave like he isn't delighted.
  19. May as well just say 4 defeats in a row with next week's game.
  20. Going out in the 3rd Round again. All part of the plan for those in charge though, get this nuisance out of the way early.
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