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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Decky

    Alan Pardew

    The man is nothing but a puppet for Mike Ashley. He may as well be Ashley himself. Im sure a lot of people will think im a cunt for it, but he isnt getting an ounce of support from me. He will probably be here until Ashley sells as well.
  2. Decky

    Alan Pardew

    They cant ban the likes of Sky and the BBC.
  3. Decky

    Alan Pardew

    I think I might just go mad when I see Llambias' grin tomorrow. The cunt is going to be smug as fuck. This whole thing completely stinks to me and to everyone else really, I mean why would Ashley sack Hughton and take on Pardew of all people? The whole thing is completely rotten.
  4. Decky

    Alan Pardew

    I hope the press fucking grill that cunt Llambias after all the shite this week.
  5. Expect this WUM to be the first to call for his head.
  6. I would never take a relegation if it meant getting rid of him. Id rather mid table shite for a couple of years until he ends up fucking off anyway.
  7. Decky

    Alan Pardew

    The shortlist for managers at our club is ridiculous these days man Shows how far we have fallen, but Ashley will probably tell you its progress.
  8. Decky


    It took a mad man to buy the club for them to be better than us, and even then we beat them 5-1. Says it all really. For the time being im going to try and not bother with them, we've bigger fish to fry.
  9. Decky

    Alan Pardew

    Ashley wants shot for this.
  10. Last season the players tried to put our relegation right by working hard for promotion. This season, despite not performing at times, I believe they wanted to try their best to survive another relegation. After this week they probably couldnt care less and just want out of this club asap. The club is going absolutely nowhere with Mike Ashley and if we know it, you can be sure they do.
  11. Decky


    Just had a look. There are more NUFC threads in their Pure Football section than there are in our Football section.
  12. Decky

    Alan Pardew

    I thought this had happened there, cunts.
  13. Only just noticed we're 12th and just 4 points from the bottom 3 Remember when we were in the top half? That was good wasnt it.
  14. 1 win in 7 cos he was waiting for Hughton to get sacked innit. Director of football while Pardew is manager too.
  15. Decky

    Chris Hughton

    Really should have spell checked my post first
  16. Decky

    Chris Hughton

    Gutted about this like. For me Hughton will always be remembered for his time here. He came in when no one else had the balls to try and take us back up, and to also work for Mike Ashley. Throughout all the turmoil he kept a level head and got on with it. Last year for the first time in absolutely ages I loved everything about the way we played football. I had faith in the manager, the players and was living for our games at the weekend, that is down to Hughton. Ill remember him as the guy who took me from absolute misery post relegation to absolute joy seeing us storm our way through the Championship. I was genuinely delighted seeing his reaction to us getting promoted last year, ill never forget the moment he choked during his post match interview saying how much "this wonderful football club" deserved being back in the Premier League, you could see just how proud he was. We came up into the Premier League and with our signings I thought it would be tough. However we have had some memorable results this year, beating Villa 6-0 and the mackems 5-1 will always be remembered. Not to mention wins at Everton and Arsenal. I was also surprised at the signings of Tiote and Ben Arfa, this to me was Hughton showing how good he can be in the transfer window. Yeah he made some bad mistakes signing the likes of Perch and yeah some results were bad this year, but he was still a manager learning his trade and he delivered 2 brilliant signings and some brilliant results so far this season. We are sitting on 19 points with less than half our games played and every single one of us would have taken that back in August. Its completely the wrong decision sacking him and I am devastated he is gone. We can only dream of what might have happened had he stayed here for another couple of years (at least) and learned from his mistakes. Ill remember his departure as yet another example of Mike Ashleys incompetence, the quicker the cunt leaves the better. As for Chris, I wish him all the best for the future and if im lucky enough to be at SJP should he ever return with another club then I hope I can play a part in giving him a great reception.
  17. Decky

    Alan Pardew

    I can see the attendences dipping further to around 30 to 35k if this happens. Hughton gone and Pardew in is enough to make anyone give up.
  18. I thought they were already on strike.
  19. Tiote, Ben Arfa, not my players etc etc.
  20. All this talk of the players respecting Hughton etc. Where was the respect when they bent over and let West Brom walk over us, effectively costing Chris his job? The players need to take a long hard look at themselves after this. Some of them just werent interested yesterday and if they respected Hughton so much then perhaps they should have been.
  21. Jonas Gutierrez: "Thank you Chris Hughton for believing in us when nobody believed in us."
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