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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Is looking forward to Newcastle making yous feel better? Could be quite a depressing season ahead
  2. Absolutely shocking stuff from England
  3. Fuck me I thought this was on at half 7!!
  4. He gave us 11 years of service. Anyone who boo's a man who gave us that is an utter fucking cretin in my eyes. How many times did we come close to relegation in the years before Shay left? We were nailed on the year he went and many on here said that themselves and who could blame him for not wanting that on his CV? He didnt want to be part of this club not because of the fans but because of Ashley and the way we were going i.e. into the fucking championship. He isnt getting any younger and wants medals, fair enough. Yes he could have stayed btw, but he might have had a relegation to his name not to mention the opportunity to move to City might have passed. He was a great keeper and servant to us. All those people slating him, how would you like walking into a company you gave 11 years to and getting booed because you left for a better opportunity? He has a life to live and a career to make the most of, he gave us 11 fucking years of that career which dont forget is a huge amount of time in football, so show him some respect. It sickens me that people will boo a man who gave us all those years, its disgusting. The amount of memories he gave us outweight the memory of him leaving. It just sums some Newcastle fans up the way they choose the negative memories over the positive ones here.
  5. Dont worry Mike man, you still won the group.
  6. The USA are shocking, how did they manage a draw against England? Despite their poor form you would think their midfield alone would have destroyed the US.
  7. Gets stretchered off then the second he is off the pitch he gets off the stretcher and comes back on. Just disgusting time wasting. And surprise surprise they are making a sub now, after the stoppage...
  8. Hughton has been made a coach again because Ashley wants to get a new manager. He is also trying to sell the club again so there is an embargo on transfers. SJP got a sponser deal as well btw. Its now called The Blockbuster Stadium @ St James' Park.
  9. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php So you don't see the difference? If folk are gonna come on here and pretend to be Newcastle fans, they should bloody well embrace English football and the national team. Ireland have now to do with this forum or the team we're all here for. Fact is Newcastle has many foreign/non local fans and this is a good outlet for us as we dont live in Newcastle. Just because the club is English doesnt mean foreign fans on here should have to listen to their country being slated does it? I also fail to see how embracing English football is linked to the national team. Newcastle play in the English leagues so we have to embrace them, yet what connect do we have to the English national team which currently has none of our players?
  10. Would love England to go out tomorrow for no reason other than im sick of hearing about them like they are the only team in the World Cup. If it is that bad now it will be a nightmare if they win, the world would never hear the end of it!
  11. Halfway through a world cup? Don't think FIFA will sanction it, sadly. EE
  12. Jlloyd Samuel is the kind of player we should be going for. He's a model pro and proper player of real Premiership pedigree.
  13. Decky

    Players in public

    Duff and Keane apparently celebrating after France got put out: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs067.ash2/36704_405223592492_505872492_4831398_1033371_n.jpg
  14. Commentator needs to credit Honda more with the goal and fuck up about Ronaldo like.
  15. Potentially : Germany - Argentina - Spain/Portugal - Brazil Tough run in but yous would probably have seen 2 of those later 3 in the semis and final anyway. Germany and Argentina have their weaknesses as well so if yous can exploit them yous will at least gain confidence to take the likes of Brazil on. Maybe not as bad a run in as most think.
  16. Nah its more than likely going to be Portugal, maybe Spain if they can win their group.
  17. England potentially have Germany then possibly Argentina in the quarters if they win? Thats shocking
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