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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Dont like Kalou think he is overrated. the same with Martins even if I loke him. is not just good enough when it comes to finish the boll off.
  2. Is that a joke? Chelsea had still the better team and to say this is the b-team is also wrong. many of these are playing regulary.
  3. ATB

    Today's Other Games

    Derby has really start playing well under Jewell. Think they may can manage to stay up after all.
  4. A lot of Chelseas shot was also quite long distance even if they managed to came closer to goal.
  5. Yeap we had a good game, espacially in secoend half. Martins haved a couple of really good opportunities but never shot. Duff almost had an open goal and we had quite alot of crosses that never went right in the box.
  6. FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sam is a so much better coach than people think. The team is not playing well now BUT have anyone notice what he is trying to do behind the scene?! He is doing more than Roeder or Souness even was thinking about. The play is not the best yet but it will be. I must say that when other people are embarrassined about our play I´m embarrassined that so many people want to sack Sam. Ok let do it. But have anyone even think how it will be then. Gone with alot of money and chance a lot of staff. We will have to start all over again. But most of all. How is so stuped that they would take the job?! "Sam Allardyce's former Bolton Wanderers assistant manager Phil Brown says Newcastle fans need a 'reality check'. Hull boss Brown, who worked under Allardyce at Bolton, told BBC Radio Five Live: "The sooner all parties - including supporters, including the media - take a reality check (the better). "Newcastle have only won one trophy in the last 50 years. "All of a sudden, a new man comes to the helm and everyone expects immediate success. It's ridiculous to expect it. "Unless you get a £100million purse, as in Jose Mourinho at Chelsea, or a lot of money such as Sven-Goran Eriksson at Man City, I think it's ridiculous to expect immediate success." "
  7. ATB

    The Mole?

    Geremi and Rozehnal.
  8. ATB

    Alan Smith

    If Smith dosent play better soon he will be dropped like Geremi!
  9. ATB


    if dont. bring in another LD. The problems is just that we badly need other players before him in other positions and Sam will not get a lot of money=(
  10. ATB


    Can only agree with some of the comments about him being protect. The managers knows best and if Sam dont thin hes ready then he dont. Comparing with alot of other I defenitily sure Sam rate him high. As anyone said it´s hard for Sam at this situation. If we say this would be five years later in time (hope Sam still hear) no one should complaine so much. I defenitly think we need Enrique and I hope he can start play soon. verry soon!
  11. I think the offside was so clear that I hope everyone, player, fans is counting this like a positiv draw (now that it will not help us in the PL but anyway). I must say I liked the line-up really much, especielly Faye as dm. Liked Duff and Milner when they chanced side alot and Martins runs. Alot to take with us BUT we have seen us faild before. The players must be reallt hungry for the upcoming games and show spirit! Would´t hurt if we could start pass and contribute better too.
  12. I dident said that they were gone now=) THey will play against City and I think some of them to Stoke aswell... What I meant was that they should replace them after they left! Can also only pray to god that we can play like we did in the secoend half against Chelsea and that we win!
  13. Agree 100%. Really like the idea (thing City play the same) with two defence mitt and four really offensive players. Looked good today and I really think it can work in the futhure aswell. Real pitty that Baye, Faye and Martins is going. Hope that Carr, Rozehnal and Viduka replace them.
  14. Hope Sam sacks and we bring in Shearer that takes us down to CC. Thats what I hope!
  15. yeaha I would also want to be manager at Newcastle because we got so lovley fans that supports the team so well... ...BULLSHIT!
  16. Whats wrong with that? This is not Vidukas kined of match and if he should play and would be crap what would you said then?
  17. HAHA Thats absoulutly wrong! SOmething like this I think Given Beye Taylor Cacapa Faye Butt SMitt Duff Milner Martins
  18. Amen agree 100%. SOmetimes I really hate the suporters to the club.
  19. The club will not gain anything at all to sack. Sam is a good manager and will lift the club and leave it at a good standard reugardless our positions. Really sick of the club overall. Sometimes like this I wich I suported someone else!
  20. If anything about "not having high ambitions" is truth at all I will be very worried.
  21. If Owen isn't gone in Jan then he'll deffo be away in the summer. Think so too. But still our best goalscorer.
  22. Not a chance he will come. Looks to be happy at the bench in Barca so dont even think he will leve the club. would though be happy if it would happen.
  23. Would love that... ...to take a early lead
  24. Bla! Dont understand people think Duff is finished. I will not pot that label on before the end of the season, if necessary. Biggest problem last year wasent duff. It was the team mates. Still a can remeber how frustrated he seemed when he tried to play link-up with Baba. Duff will be a great player to have back. Would really want to see if Milner - Smith/Viduka - Duff can have any sucess. I think it can. Remember Duff know how to play the system in and out. My only concern is what Sam is going to do with Owen. He will definitive play him and I´m worried we will chance the system just because of him. Don´t want that to happen.
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