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Everything posted by ATB

  1. I thought Pearson would at least play an attacking 4-4-2 and have a go, what have we to lose? He is! The only player that can improve even more in the attack is Emre
  2. Think it´s 4-4-1-1 with a free role for Duff
  3. know that it´s nothing new in it. But it just feel like this is it! everything that is standing there make sense and I got a feeling about it that I never have had before this two days.
  4. If I would be Arry I would take this chance. The end of his career, never managed a big club. Don´t see why he should be comfortable. If you got this far you are a winner. A winner like challenges and then when the biggest one in your carrer is comming you dont turn it down. He will sign
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/sport/football.html?in_article_id=507812&in_page_id=1779&ct=5 Done deal?
  6. McClaren was actually at the Emirates Stadium last night watching the Arsenal- Spurs Carling Cup tie and was spotted talking to Mike Ashley’s best pal and former White Hart Lane vice- chairman Paul Kemsley. But I am told nothing should be read into this, and that while the former England boss has always loved the Newcastle United set-up he will not be given the chance to take control. =D
  7. Problems is that he came from Chelsea=S
  8. scout´s at the club reports to be very impressed with him.
  9. Kinda reminds me of watching some international tournament on Swedish television, who were very concerned with getting the correct Danish pronunciation for the name Bøgelund, which is Swedish for Homosexual Grove. mackems.gif Can understand why (I´m from Sweden)
  10. Wounder what the reservs are doing. Got some good player still lose. Aye. Would be great to hear the thoughts about Ngo=)
  11. He wont come this window anyway. if he so good as it sounds he would be someone to look at in the summer.
  12. ATB

    Martin O'Neill

    I have seen different programs with players that have played under O´Neill and he seems to be a quite stranage manager. Don´t train at all. announce the team 1h-30 min before the games. got a unbelievable temper!
  13. I think I never seem him smile and I dont think he ever will
  14. Dont like Kalou think he is overrated. the same with Martins even if I loke him. is not just good enough when it comes to finish the boll off.
  15. Is that a joke? Chelsea had still the better team and to say this is the b-team is also wrong. many of these are playing regulary.
  16. ATB

    Today's Other Games

    Derby has really start playing well under Jewell. Think they may can manage to stay up after all.
  17. A lot of Chelseas shot was also quite long distance even if they managed to came closer to goal.
  18. Yeap we had a good game, espacially in secoend half. Martins haved a couple of really good opportunities but never shot. Duff almost had an open goal and we had quite alot of crosses that never went right in the box.
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