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Everything posted by ATB

  1. We hasent have sucess in over three years and now we even can´t wait for a few months! Why cat we give him time and see what happends (give him arund 2 years) because as I said we haven´t been good for years so can we atleast give our best manager in years time to chance things.
  2. Why is everyone so sure we should have beat them if we would play attacking football? One of the biggest problem in the match was the defence and to start play even more offensive Reading would have even more space to counter-attack.
  3. Because if we just fire Sam and hire a Hughes for example. We would have to start all over again for the same resault, problably.
  4. I just wonder who they would get to this city and town thats better than Sam. Pretty stupied to sack him! give him time. If I would be Ashley and things would improve for the better I would let him sit out the contract. To demnad top 6 this years you really got to be as smart as SHepherd. and that is not a positiv thing. Blackburn, Everton, Portsmtouh, ASton VIlla are all teams that have had time to slovley improv. they have let there manager work for a long time and it has paid off. Our recent managers has take our club backwards and we are fare behend these teams. So just being close this season would be a great improvement and that is the reason it won´t be smart to sack Sam. We need to do the same thing thease teams has done. But it will take time. If Allardyce is going to be replaced it got to be a Mouhrino, a Capello etc. A proved winner. but as I said. I can´t see this coming and I would be really pissed off if he would get sacked!
  5. He said: "The players should have been well aware of what they needed to do by the amount of time we spent through the week saying 'this is Reading'. "We showed them the video where West Ham won by three goals by playing on the break but we never did that. "We just kept giving possession away and gave the opposition another chance to put the ball in our box so it was really disappointing. We ended up chasing them too much." some times it´s not the managers fault. and why would Sam get kicked if we dont finish top 6? who should we bring in? Capello?!
  6. oboy! Please can´t you stop with comments like that? He has been her in 5 months now and already you want to replace manager. That is not the solotion! It feels it was yeasterday everyone complaine at roeder, it feels it was yeasterday everyone wanted Souness out... I hope Sam don´t get sacked. In fact I hope he at least run out his contract at three years. I definitley thinks hes the one. If don´t it want be better to sack him now! Give him time like everyone other PL clubs gives their managers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. ATB

    Mike Ashley

    Must ask ju guys/girls what you think about Ashley. In mine opinion he is the best and most wonderful owner ju can have! I mean look at him under the matches. If you just look at him at the matches you would think he was some kind of crazy suporter mackems.gif...abramovich, Shepherd... Still he got a brain and good friends to run a football club at a high level. So. I dont think we could ask for a better owner. comments!
  8. Don´t understand that almost everyone belive that we will win against Tottenham but get beaten by Portsmouth.
  9. I like Butt in his orange helmet=)
  11. But come on. Zog must be able to defend everywere on the pitch.
  12. Are you seeing the match? Come on don´t let Everotn in to this!
  13. BBBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Come on MARATINS! He need to score. Could have had a gret start=(
  15. ATB

    How long for Big Andy?

    well I´m not to sure it´s the case with this lads. kind of the best young guns we got.
  16. ATB

    Newcastle World

    I think it´s very good. I don´t no what you want them to improv. ofcourse it would be fun to be able to watch the games. and see some pitchures from the traning ground. overall I like it very much.
  17. ATB

    Tackles from behind

    But there's perfectly reasonable tackles where both players are essentially stationary and the tackle comes in from behind, but reaching round the player with the ball. Almost zero chance of injury, but will still get penalised. I would like to see one of those.
  18. Viduka isen´t doing enough?! jesus. have we been looking at the same matches? Problably the most important player in our offensive
  19. ATB

    Tackles from behind

    From behaind or with the sole first - Red Card Even if you win the ball it can be a foul. if you, for example, brutal floor the player.
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