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Everything posted by ATB

  1. ATB

    Chris Hughton

    Maybe he just wanted to build a squad and a team sensible?
  2. ATB

    Chris Hughton

    don´t be silly. the only manager that has dropped Jonas for Ben Arfa.
  3. I think it´s as big of a problem to just call people names. You can be just as offended by that, as a racist abuse. None of them is something that should exist in society.
  4. ATB

    Papiss Cissé

    If we want Cisse to start score again he has to start playing his natural role as a striker. No fucking around like now.
  5. But did we expect anything else regarding the result? The performance was a lot better and we deserve to feel positive about it. Do the same next week and it won't be 0 points. And that is the problem, we haven't done it against the poorer sides all season. And we haven't played like that all season either. The Stoke game showed promise, we won against Wigan, we played well for long periods against Fulham and we created lots of chances against a strong City today. These minor adjustments are having a positive impact (against say a month ago) and the effectiveness will follow. We have to stick with what we're learning. Everyone takes something different from the game and yeah I'm angry that we aren't picking up points but everyone expected us to be fed to the lions today. The scoreline may suggest that but I bet the City dressing room will be full of brown underpants right now. We fought, varied the play and could/should have got more. I saw the West Ham/Swansea games and clearly saw why we couldn't create a thing. Compare those performances to what we saw today. It's the same bunch of players. Things are being changed and are going in the right direction, it's just a shame the fixtures are tough for the next few weeks. The performance today reminded me of last season rather than the poor last two months, and that's personally why I'm feeling more positive. Like Wigan, next week is huge but I'm feeling more confident after seeing the shift and desire today. IF we would start playing like this more often than not, then fair play. I´m just sick of this "well well, 0 points but plenty to build on". We have been building for years. 1-2 years ago I would have agreed with you. Now I ´m waiting for the points before I say anything. Though, lately we seems to play the ball more on the ground then just hoofing it.
  6. ATB


    Until we start picking up points I won´t write off anything.
  7. With the way we played today that would just be a fantastic line up. Really there is no excuse to not go for it. I´m not holding my breath though.
  8. ATB


    hate comments like this. You can´t say, with the season we have had, that it is impossible. Yes, I can. I don't think we're going down. Hopefully the team has another attitude.
  9. ATB


    hate comments like this. You can´t say, with the season we have had, that it is impossible.
  10. Selfish, selfish and selfish again. Doesn´t matter how many goals he scores, I will never really like him. Cisse should, without doubt, play in the middle. That would be the best for the team, which is the most important thing.
  11. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Praise is a strong word even if we played really well second half. But let´s see what happens against QPR. That´s when he really should be shining. You would hope that we would continue to play like we did today, but I will wait until I sees it.
  12. The problem with us is that we play chance our team to the opponent. Against shit teams we play shit. Against good teams we play rather ok.
  13. are you for real? Yes, hopelessly out of form. yes. But what the hell is he offering at the wing? and maybe he would get in form if he got to play in his favorite position for a time.
  14. Quick make a bet on Willo. He is shit hot in the City penalty area
  15. Don´t think you can say that´s the only reason. Maybe it´s we that make them that, shit hot. Anyway. Good start. But dose it matter when we can´t play like that against team we should beat? City is just so much better than us that it won´t matter what we do. But it´s a shame that we can´t defend or attack.
  16. ATB

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Doesn´t matter if he plays or not. In fact it may be better if he don´t.
  17. ATB


    I think it´s been obvious for a long time that we just can´t turn the game offensively fast enough. The players are just not doing any offensive runs without the ball. It´s quite embarrassing to see since it´s the footballs ABC.
  18. ATB


    How some can ignore this fact is beyond me. This is the mentality that definitely will send us down. I hope the team doesn´t think like this.
  19. It will not matter what we try, we will lose anyway because we haven´t got the players or a own playing system.
  20. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I would like to see this club have a philosophy through the entire club. From how we play, to how we should develop players. Obviously Barcelona is the best example. But there are many more clubs too, and not only in football, that demonstrate success with a good youth system. Watching our youngsters that have come through is painful. None of them (execpt Bigi, and he was just brought in from another club) seems good with the ball or have good movement. This is not only down to Pardew. The whole club needs to come together and set up this strategy. But I´m 100 % sure that if we could implant a identity that says "this is Newcastle" through the club we would be a club to watch out for. Now, and how it´s been down the years, is all about the first team really, even if we have done some good things lately. But how is the club going to improve in the long term when not even Pardew knows how the first team should play? As I said. It´s not only Pardews responsibility. But why should we have a manager develop our club that can´t even teach some basic passing drills for the first team? That´s why he have to go.
  21. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    At what cost? he's got to have it like, i'm far from a fan of pardew but letting him go would be insanity....i've very clearly said i don't think he'll ever progress us as a club (as far as we should with our current quality of player) and in many ways i feel he's holding back our progress significantly the alternatives are too terrifying to consider though...not a chance ashley would appoint a better manager than pardew, none whatsoever, so you have to ask yourself what the cost would be if he goes? unless we're in serious danger of being relegated he'll stay, and i think it's for the best until ashley either f***s off or starts taking us seriously as a football club rather than just a balance sheet best case scenario he gets plan a working again i suppose, 'cause there's clearly no plan b I agree with what you are saying I don´t think Pardew should stay because he earn it, he should stay because Ashley is an idiot. And that´s why it´s so sad and why I have trouble to enjoy us playing. that's not exactly what i'm saying, by no stretch of the imagination has he earned a sacking yet either...it's all about whether you believe he can improve us long term i don't The second line referred more to what I think rather than what you said. You said that you don´t think Pardew will improve us in the long term, neither do I. You said that he hasn´t earned to be sacked, I disagree. So all in all the only thing that differed was the "Pardew earn some time" part.
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