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Everything posted by magorific

  1. Found the link (apologies, the £270k turnover was for the first six months of trading, not a year - still equates to less than £1500 takings per day) http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2008/feb/01/sport.comment
  2. That's my point . . . he wouldn't resign. Therefore, he HAS either been sacked He has EITHER been sack or...or...or...or WHAT? Come on m*therf*cker, say WHAT?! ....or bumped off.
  3. That's my point . . . he wouldn't resign. Therefore, he HAS either been sacked
  4. Club statement at 12.13am. thought it was 12.14am He can't afford to walk. The bottom line is the bottom line - Soccer Circus is dying on its arse and he's skint. you're his accountant are u? or do u just believe the southern press? No, I believe company accounts posted at Companies House. Soccer Circus turned over 270k (that's TURNED OVER) in its first year of trading - a sad and pathetic figure considering the millions it cost to set up. Thats you. The bit in bold. BAM! Millions to set up? Didn't know you were so savvy with the venture. Oh dear. Sorry to have to educate you, but a company report for a start-up business such as Soccer City has to list the investments made in said company (ie capital funds provided) by all directors. SC's company report shows that KK and a couple of others chucked millions in each. This has been reported. You must have missed it. BAM.
  5. Club statement at 12.13am. thought it was 12.14am He can't afford to walk. The bottom line is the bottom line - Soccer Circus is dying on its arse and he's skint. you're his accountant are u? or do u just believe the southern press? No, I believe company accounts posted at Companies House. Soccer Circus turned over 270k (that's TURNED OVER) in its first year of trading - a sad and pathetic figure considering the millions it cost to set up.
  6. He can't afford to walk. The bottom line is the bottom line - Soccer Circus is dying on its arse and he's skint. Your point being?
  7. He can't afford to walk. The bottom line is the bottom line - Soccer Circus is dying on its arse and he's skint. Keegan isnt Skint, hes been a multi millionaire for 20 odd years Wrong. He has put several million of his own money into Soccer Circus and annual results show it is a complete failure.
  8. He can't afford to walk. The bottom line is the bottom line - Soccer Circus is dying on its arse and he's skint.
  9. I think that could well happen, and if it does I would have a much higher opinion of both Keegan and Ashley. It would be refreshing to see a disagreement in football not leading to toys raining down out of prams and someone getting the boot. Keep dreaming boys.
  10. Nor sure how true it is, but last night Sky (David Craig) claimed the Barton deal was a swap deal with the other unnamed club, for another player (also unnamed). However, it fell through as to quote david craig "'they wanted £4m as well as the player", but it wasn't clear whether 'they' was us wanting £4m + a player for Barton, or if the other club wanted us to give them Barton + £4m for the other player. Suppose we'll never know. We wanted £4m for Barton, Pompey wouldn't pay it. We suggested £2m plus Diop. They weren't interested.
  11. Mate on the Chron says they expect him to go - but that he'll be pushed rather than jump.
  12. Tell that to Shay Given who handed a transfer request in when Harper was getting pick ahead of him. Good point.
  13. England squad? Based on what? Milner has done absolutely nothing over the last 12 months to warrant a pay rise. Fact is, our form improved when he was out of the team towards the end of last season. england squad my prick. He's a f***ing championship player Yep I bet he signs for a championship club. Idiot. embarrassing mate, get it sorted a premiership winger gives premiership full-backs problems the last time I checked. He's without doubt the least gifted winger i've ever seen in a nufc shirt. No pace, no final ball, poor passing, no intelligence. Robson was on a roll when he described Ambrose, O'brien and Milner as 'fantastic young talent'. Talent my left f***ing nut If he's the least gifted winger you've seen in a Newcastle shirt, your opinion isn't worth hearing. Quite apart from the dross we put up with back in the day, weren't you around to see the likes of Brittain, O'Brien, Pattison, Gavilan, Glass, Hamilton etc waste space down either of our flanks? I'd put Milner marginally above Keith Gillespie in terms of talent. Not saying much, mind....
  14. I'm reliably informed (by someone who spoke to him at today's press conference) that Keegan says he's not interested in Senderos.
  15. You're right about Cacapa being the oldest , I don't agree that Faye is our best when we've got Coloccini who looks like being his replacement. Point is, we don't need to replace players like Faye, we need to add to them. If you're happy to go into the season with two central defenders with zero Premier League experience and two players with a track record of serious ricks, I'll have whatever you're drinking.
  16. Who needs Colo when we're on the trail of Danny Gabbidon (according to tonight's Chron)?
  17. Apologies if already posted, but Nobby Solano has signed a 2-yr deal with Larissa (home of Dabizas?).
  18. We are keen on two more Real Mallorca players (both unnamed) according to the Chron.
  19. Spot on. Some of the comments beggar belief considering the standard of the keepers that went before Shay. Hardwick, McKellar, Hooper anyone?
  20. Says we thought we had him all wrapped up after agreeing a fee, but that the word in Spain (!) is that we couldn't agree personal terms. A worrying development, according to AO ...
  21. Offered to us by an agent, but we're not keen. According to today's Chron...
  22. link? If it's all down to him he'll choose Benfica me thinks. Can't imagine they'll match the wages we'll be offering. Very little money in Portuguese football.
  23. How do you know what the Chron says at 10:55 ? ITK man. Fkn hell Skirge! Mate works there.
  24. Tonight's Chron is saying Newcastle definitely expect to sign him within 48 hours.
  25. magorific

    Tony Green

    Remember my dad saw Gazza score against Chelsea (beat 4 or 5 men in the space of a few yards to get us into that mickey mouse tournament at Wembley) and said the only other Newcastle player he'd seen capable of that (and better) was Green. No wonder my old man hates players like Frank Lampard!
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