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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. What for? The damage is done, might as well let him see out season probably. Should have sacked him a few months ago really. He's really fucked up big time, so much so that Man U have got the title in the bag imo.
  2. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    This was certainly the case in 2010/11. The partnership wasn't that bad back then.
  3. Looking forward to see him link up with Sissoko. Midfield enforcers/battering rams ftw.
  4. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Now that would be very lovely.
  5. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Anywhere I can see this online? Yeah I need to see this. It was one of the best things about yesterday. For that, Pardew received a few brownie points from me.
  6. He was an unsung hero today. Offered plenty of movement and wanted the ball almost on every occasion. He's certainly got pace and it is what ultimately brought about the equaliser. He worked really hard, kept possession well and his tracking back was canny too. Long may this continue. Another bargain it seems
  7. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Everyone involved in the setup today deserves a lot of praise for that performance. Fair play Alan, fair play Can't complain about today really. Enjoy your night Alan.
  8. What an amazing signing he's turning out to be, it's early days yet but he is an absolute beast of a player, he basically ran the whole show himself and destroyed Chelsea - the runs, the passing, everything really and that run past Cole man . £1.8 million man, daylight robbery at its best.
  9. Absolutely amazing stuff, what a fucking game that was! When we let in that second goal, I really thought that was game over but was really happy to see that we continued to get stuck in and for once looked positive. The team spirit was definitely there and the performance certainly warranted a win for us. A few issues here and there but like fuck I'm going to complain about that now. All I can do is to give praise to all involved today. Still really buzzing from this (what a weird feeling too, it's been a while!), off out later tonight to celebrate I think. It is games like this that makes me proud to be a Geordie/Newcastle fan There is literally no other club like ours. [sat near a Chelsea fan in the pub today and even though he won't be able to see this message, I would just like to say to him, "HAHA, HAVE THAT YOU FUCKER! " - he's probably a nice lad but fuck him ]
  10. i'm imagining this kind of of celebration http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Clubs/Club_Home/2011/10/31/1320094093012/Demba-Ba-celebrates-after-007.jpg the place will explode If he does that...
  11. Happy 100th Timmy Let's hope it's a memorable one for all the right reasons.
  12. Can we just cut Stoke off from the rest of the world please?
  13. Sifu


    Bye. Thanks for contributing to the 6-0 win against Villa.
  14. Hope so, would love to see them get relegated.
  15. The Odemwingie saga btw. Ridiculous stuff. Very much looking forward to the reception he's going to get back at WBA when his move inevitably doesn't go through.
  16. Jenas officially signs for QPR. Hmmm.
  17. Fucking Stoke fans. Same old shit every deadline day man
  18. Great news that his injury isn't that bad. Maybe we will see Ben Arfa and Marveaux in the same team sooner than we thought...(yes, I'm clinging onto this dream).
  19. So, a long awaited loan for the lad. Hope he does well up there. He's looked decent enough when he has featured for us and I say this for every youth/fringe player we send out on loan: first team experience will do him a lot of good.
  20. Sifu

    Harry Redknapp

    Oh yes. Reputation being on the line and all that jazz
  21. Sifu

    Harry Redknapp

    Looks like I'm right then.
  22. Who is this girl you guys keep reffering too, pics for us living in foreign lands please http://i.imgur.com/Y6qYM4l.jpg Ah she's looking very well.
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