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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. The idea of moving the World Cup to the winter can go to fuck. FIFA are a farce. Would love to see most of them within done for corruption - the organisation needs a fresh start with fresh, reliable faces. Although admittedly, nothing is ever that simple.
  2. Just seen his goal, brilliant skill there. Pleased for him.
  3. I'm almost tempted to start Shola for this...
  4. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Still baby steps really. There's still so many things Pardew can improve on - he still needs to learn from his mistakes. But I will give him credit for the last few weeks. It's going rather well and the team spirit is slowly coming back.
  5. That loss hurt. On the balance of play, we were the better side but unfortunately a combination of poor finishing and poor defending on our part has really cost us today. Swansea are jammy bastards (and diving cunts it seems) - lost quite a bit of respect for them like. Oh and I would have certainly brought Marveaux on much earlier than the fucking 90th minute though. Whilst we were dominating possession and had some great spells of pressure, some fresh legs in the form of Sylvain on the 70th minute wouldn't have gone amiss - would have been a sensible option. Need to try and just take the positives from this game, despite it being a completely undeserved loss. Football eh?
  6. On the money. End of thread.
  7. Jonas is as professional as they come. Don't think he'll mind too much, sure he might be a bit miffed but I have no doubt he has the club's interests at heart so even if that means stepping aside in terms of the captaincy then so be it [/ideally].
  8. Hope we see Dyer and de Guzman having another argument/fight on the pitch. Would disrupt their team...
  9. Sifu

    Players in public

    I don't mind Hart...
  10. Sifu

    Players in public

    Saw Joe Hart in Spinningfields in Manchester tonight. Was with his lass. When I saw him, I went "Alright Joe" and he acknowledged me
  11. Looks like we're loaning out all the right players I still have high hopes for Tav, Fergie and Sammy. So let's hope they develop quite a bit during their loan spells.
  12. Good riddance to the cunt. Hope his career falls to pieces now - that's the only way he'll learn that he's fucked up his one chance in a lifetime. It's most likely going to turn out like this: as soon as his money goes, his "mates" will go too and then he'll be left with fuck all.
  13. Confidence is one of them. Pardew's recent comments about him should do him wonders too
  14. Ah, now this is something I definitely approve of. Hope it gets extended too, his development here has admittedly stalled a bit... Haven't read the article so any indications of where he''ll mainly play? LW or LB?
  15. Sifu

    Rafa Benitez

    Ah another Benetiz meltdown. I suspect he's going to get a talking to tomorrow morning. Keep on ranting Rafa, it can only help with Chelsea's (potential) downfall.
  16. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Seriously though, if Pardew wins us the Europa League, his name will (rightly) go down in NUFC folklore. Will more than make up this season's failings...
  17. This can only go well. (He's blatantly going to get bring his gun and motivate the players ).
  18. Woop. The first time this season I've liked the look of that graph.
  19. Any chance of an updated graph Dave?
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