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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. The longer this drags on, the more confident I am of him staying here (until May at least).
  2. Just had a bit of a read of the Bordeaux page on Facebook, the Bordeaux fans are not pleased whatsoever. Sounds as if they're selling off their assets.
  3. Canny news Some added depth to our attacking options, at least!
  4. Well done BBC. Finally, someone in that organisation who has a brain.
  5. Just because he has a similar complexion, haircut and cam from the same French club? Come off it! Obertan wasn't even playing first team football in France, never mind scoring almost a goal every other game the last year and a half. When I first saw Gouffran play (which was over 3 years ago tbf), I really wasn't impressed. Good on him for his recent bit of form though.
  6. Gouffran strikes me as a bit of an Obertan mark II. Having said that, Gouffran's form has been decent of late (and from what I've seen of him, he does seem have a better footballing brain than Obertan) so I'd be all for him signing as a squad player (especially if it is a low fee).
  7. Well then, if we sign Mbiwa, Haidara, Sissoko and Gouffran, all in the same week...don't think I would be able to contain my excitement. Would certainly make my week. Howay then, let's get them all over the line, especially the Mbiwa deal (first and foremost).
  8. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Made my feelings about him known at work today. Everyone thought I was crazy (though that's nowt new).
  9. Good thing I missed out on all this madness.
  10. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Nobody does fence sitting better than Sifu The Great Fence of Sifu I like that. Has a nice ring to it. Seriously though, I've had enough of Pardew - I've gone beyond my endurance/tolerance level.
  11. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Looks like he's staying. Uh oh. If he turns it around then fair play but that looks very unlikely - in short, we're fucked.
  12. It appears that that was the consensus on here like.
  13. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Very much so. What a shame.
  14. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Tapatalk revealed all
  15. No gifs please! Jinxed it the last time...
  16. I'm sure Geremi was club captain for a wee bit. Yes he was, was made captain as soon as he signed for us. Allardyce thought it would be a good call...
  17. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Still has a 100% record as a NUFC manager
  18. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    No news then? We've 9/10 days left to come up with a magnificent plan (which preferable involves Pardew being removed from his position) to save our season.
  19. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    You almost lost me with the sympathy thing but the bit in bold seems like it could be case. It's just who he is, he's inherently negative. He's shown that he's simply not up to the task. I've given him the benefit of the doubt (hence why the sympathy view above) these last 6 months or so but I can't take it anymore. He's broken me.
  20. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    I feel sorry for Pardew in a way. He acquired so much goodwill on the back of last season but he's basically thrown all of that out of the window with his recent "management" skills. I reckon that deep down, he knows he's fucking up big time - he wants to keep this job (which is probably the best one he's had in his career) and I think that for him, that's motivation in itself to persist with his defensive/win 1-0 approach. However it's becoming increasily evident that his tactics are bordering on the cowardly and the negative levels. His overcautious approach is hindering us - he is so afraid of losing this job that a scrappy 1-0 win would actually do for him as it's 3 massive points and it's looking like this approach is rubbing off on the players. Such a mentality does not get you far whatsoever. He's let the fans, the players and ultimately himself down. Time for him to step aside, it really looks as if he's run his course here and will not improve beyond his current level.
  21. Get this over the line and it may be one of the boosts we so desperately need. Our defence has let us down time and time again this season so a new first choice CB makes absolute sense (and it has done for the last 2 years). Of course, any CB coming in from a different league will need time to adapt but I'm hopeful of a Bassong-esque first season... Please get this done.
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