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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Football disappoints yet again. Disgraceful decision by the Southampton board.
  2. I concur. These Alliadiere/N'Gog rumours are winding me up though
  3. Didn't he start for us for QPR at home just before christmas? Nope, came on as a sub.
  4. This. Regular top 7/8 finishes, turn up in a Cup competition. Certainly this for the foreseeable future.
  5. People kept going on about Alliadiere today at work. Wound me up so much haha.
  6. Was in Chinatown having dinner. Found out when I was browsing N-O! My dad was pretty happy too as he won £200 from the bookies (he put a bet on KK becoming the next NUFC manager when Allardyce was sacked, 25-1 iirc).
  7. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Sorry man, felt the need to express my disappointment.
  8. http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/f-this.gif Bloody hell, what happened there? Was a long day at work tbf.
  9. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    So much for my confidence about Remy coming to us then. Very disappointed in him mind but got to say, from his point of view, it's a win-win situation - a weekly wage of £70k plus the added comfort of a relegation release clause if things go to shit. Football isn't what it used to be
  10. Send him on loan to play LW in the championship. It would do him the world of good. Actually I'd be very much for this. He's never gone out on loan has he? Nope he hasn't. A good run of first team football will help him develop imo. Definitely agree with you there. Shane, Sammy, Abeid need to go out on loan but our s*** squad depth means we can't really afford to. Annoying.
  11. Send him on loan to play LW in the championship. It would do him the world of good. Actually I'd be very much for this. He's never gone out on loan has he?
  12. If we sign this lad then guess that means we won't be using Fergie at LB anymore? Guess we see Shane more as a LW then...
  13. I've not decided not to shave until we've won a game. Hopefully come Saturday evening, I'll be bringing the electric shaver out. Beard's getting a bit itchy.
  14. Fucking football man. Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to appoint OLLY FUCKING MURS as an ambassador for the FA!?
  15. that's as ridiculous as it gets.
  16. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    You can say that about every other case. We reportedly couldn't give Ba, one of the top strikers in the country, the very reasonable 60/70k he wanted, now we can't compete with f***ing QPR for his replacement. It's the same story for transfer fees, where we are being massively outspent by most other Premiership clubs. Ashley's business model has its merits, but it's also holding us back massively when it comes to realising our potential. I doubt that's true. Misrepresenting the facts isn't going to help any. There you go sir: http://i.imgur.com/bBUiA.jpg Not bottom
  17. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Do you know what, going to go with this. Going to stick by with what I said a few weeks ago, we will sign him.
  18. 17 days left to get more signings over the line. The inevitable transfer deadline day excitement is likely going to waste a lot of hours.
  19. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    It would give me satisfaction to see QPR relegated.
  20. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Disappointed in Remy like. Looks like it's all about the money, says a lot about his character...
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