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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Kudos, Dave, kudos. Luckily Tapatalk showed me the full thread title, wasn't fooled Ah so it looks like we've (finally) brought him in then, ça me fait plaisir...
  2. He's going nowhere like, very confident about that. It hasn't been the best of times for the club like and Colo is more than likely, like everyone else, frustrated and pissed off with our current situation. When you're a captain of a club and all you're seeing is a steadily sinking ship, you can't help but feel a bit disheartened.
  3. On the balance of play, Everton definitely deserved their win tonight. And that is indicative of our current situation.
  4. What the f*** does that even mean? Obviously a player passing a medical is vital otherwise what's the point? Pardew doesn't half come out with some s***. By far the worst "speaker" we've ever had as manager in my time supporting the club. He spoke some sense last season. This season however...I mentally switch off whenever he speaks.
  5. Think this "break" to the ACoN could help him. If the Ivory Coast win then we could very well see a happy rejuvenated Tiote. Just a thought mind.
  6. Sifu


    5 - this next month will be crucial, could very well turn our season around [/misplacedoptimism] There are still some teams shitter than us but things are becoming rather concerning, we'll be fine, just.
  7. Thanks for the good times Demba. The manner in which he's leaving is a bit shitty like (that is, doing interview after interview about him possibly leaving) - it's going to sour the relationship between the fans and himself imo.
  8. Started almost every game this season hasn't he? Pretty much. He shouldn't start against Brighton tbh, needs a rest.
  9. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    It was a desperate attempt to get the owner's attention IMO. Maybe but bringing on Ranger was a massive facepalm moment. Pretty sure everyone in the pub was looking at me in confusion.
  10. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Inexplicable tactics tonight. Why start Shola from the off, Alan, why?! This month is going to be very crucial for him. His biggest test to date.
  11. It's a good thing we've got Cabaye here really otherwise I wouldn't have envisaged Debuchy ever coming here. Having said that, it will be a happy day when he signs.
  12. Bleurgh, another horrendous evening. Absolutely pathetic defending and what a very shit performance. Once again we did fuck all in the final third. Starting Shola from the off was probably the worst decision ever and to keep Cissé on the right wing for the whole game, man...speechless. We can't do anything right. This month is going to be very crucial, I'd take mid-table right now.
  13. Still Cabaye for me like
  14. I initially opted for Smith because he didn't really do anything on the pitch apart from a few "tackles" but tbf to him, he did do something useful off the pitch/in the dressing room. But having thought about it, Owen was by far the worst signing of the last decade, he didn't deliver when it mattered (the 08/09 season) and he completely abandoned us imo - he just gave up when the going got tough. Some captain he turned out to be. Owen basically epitomised what was wrong with the club at the time - overpaid s**** who couldn't give a f*** about the cause. £17 million - what a f***ing waste of money.
  15. Bientôt, mes amis, bientôt. From the sounds of things we could get this sorted by the week (and hopefully in time to make his debut agains Brighton). Mind you though, hope he doesn't get put off by tomorrow's game
  16. Had an inkling that this would happen. I'm going to guess that it was the case of Ba/Ba's agents asking for too much... Looking forward to seeing him play on Wednesday...
  17. If that is so, then it could sway the decision in our favour tbh...(that is, he might actually stay).
  18. He's just about to hit his stride. Would be madness to let him go now.
  19. This thread is a bit of a moot point like. If we sign Debuchy then I reckon our defence will improve a bit so logically speaking that equals stronger. But on the other hand, if Ba leaves then our attack will become a bit weaker. It basically cancels each other out. One in and one out (that is a defender in for a defender/striker in for a striker etc) and then we might get somewhere in terms of strength.
  20. You've just admitted you watch BBC Three. But The Incredibles is on! For the third time in a week. First time I've seen it this week.
  21. You've just admitted you watch BBC Three. But The Incredibles is on!
  22. I'd be happy with this. As long as Simpson doesn't have a hissy fit over being backup...
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