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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. More touches in West Ham's box. His abilities are being put to good use then From what I've seen of him this season, he is being used in exactly the way we thought he'd be used - as a targetman. Still quite surprised that he hasn't scored a single goal for them though.
  2. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew's definitely feeling the pressure (what with his latest set of quotes). This current point in time is probably his biggest managerial test to date and one which I sincerely hope he succeeds in, for the sake of the club.
  3. Sifu


    Fair play to the fuckers. It's a good result but no point in worrying about them "hitting" some form. Just have to concentrate on ourselves.
  4. Got to say, I'm not as pissed off with this loss as I was with last week's. Whether that's apathy or something else, I'm not too sure. I guess if I'm going to take a positive from this, it's that we did have a few decent spells of play before we conceded - you could take that as baby steps to where we want to be in terms of our style of play but one of our underlying problems still remains - we really do shit ourselves when we go 1 behind. We didn't really have anyone to rally the troops on the pitch when the going got tough.
  5. Think I'm going to sack off MOTD tonight. ESPN Goals it is for me then!
  6. I don't want him anywhere near the team ever again. Heck, I'd sooner have Xisco in!
  7. This used to be such a good idea (still could end up being a decent looking graph come the end of the season...)
  8. My mate mentioned today that we should bring Ranger back into the first team because we "might as well inject some energy".
  9. I'm going to ignore what Stone's said there and put it down to him having a few drinks ()
  10. Ah the return of the Europa League, the only competition in which we've played some half decent stuff. Now this is a game I am looking forward to.
  11. More bad news. Don't know whether to laugh or cry...
  12. Streete, Good. They can't be any worse, surely? But untested in the PL. If they were to have an absolute shitter during a game, their confidence would get shot and that could knack their long term development hen you A chance I'd be willing to take atm. Bold thinking but IMO, it would do us more harm than good. It depends. I haven't really watched Good or Streete enough to judge them, but I wouldn't hesitate to play them when you look at the state of Williamson. Pardew does rate Streete very highly from what I read but there's no point in throwing them straight right into the deep end - there has to be a bedding in process. Why is that? If they're mentally strong and good enough I'd give one them a chance. Not at this current point in time - things are going s*** and confidence levels are very low. There will be a time and a place to breed in the likes of Streete/Good into the first team, now is not the time. I see your point, but when is it time to give them a chance? When we're in a somewhat healthy situation. That is, doing decently enough in the League and when the atmosphere isn't too hostile. Cameo appearances in the last 10 minutes of a game in which we're in no danger of losing is one good way. If the management is confident enough that they're ready to step, then by all means select them but that's not going to be any time soon really.
  13. Streete, Good. They can't be any worse, surely? But untested in the PL. If they were to have an absolute shitter during a game, their confidence would get shot and that could knack their long term development hen you A chance I'd be willing to take atm. Bold thinking but IMO, it would do us more harm than good. It depends. I haven't really watched Good or Streete enough to judge them, but I wouldn't hesitate to play them when you look at the state of Williamson. Pardew does rate Streete very highly from what I read but there's no point in throwing them straight right into the deep end - there has to be a bedding in process. Why is that? If they're mentally strong and good enough I'd give one them a chance. Not at this current point in time - things are going shit and confidence levels are very low. There will be a time and a place to breed in the likes of Streete/Good into the first team, now is not the time.
  14. Seemed to be a lot more disciplined today anyway. A few fouls here and there but nothing completely stupid.
  15. Streete, Good. They can't be any worse, surely? But untested in the PL. If they were to have an absolute shitter during a game, their confidence would get shot and that could knack their long term development hen you A chance I'd be willing to take atm. Bold thinking but IMO, it would do us more harm than good. It depends. I haven't really watched Good or Streete enough to judge them, but I wouldn't hesitate to play them when you look at the state of Williamson. Pardew does rate Streete very highly from what I read but there's no point in throwing them straight right into the deep end - there has to be a bedding in process.
  16. Most pointless stat of the day: OptaJoe ‏@OptaJoe 26 - Newcastle attempted 26 shots at goal today vs Swansea (excl. blocked); the most by a side in a PL game since Jan 1st 2011. Unfortunate.
  17. Streete, Good. They can't be any worse, surely? But untested in the PL. If they were to have an absolute shitter during a game, their confidence would get shot and that could knack their long term development A chance I'd be willing to take atm. Bold thinking but IMO, it would do us more harm than good.
  18. Streete, Good. They can't be any worse, surely? But untested in the PL. If they were to have an absolute shitter during a game, their confidence would get shot and that could knack their long term development
  19. Are you going on an extended run of wummery, Otter?
  20. "Williams" The Ethi bug has caught on.
  21. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Nah, I'm with you on that.
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