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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Obertan needs some sort of inspiration/confidence from somewhere. He's probably one of those players who trains very well but when it comes to the big occasion, he just doesn't step up - it's as if he literally shits himself as soon as he comes out of the tunnel. The only thing Pardew can really do is to continually encourage him but in the end it's down to Obertan himself to come up with the goods. Maybe he should consider hypnotherapy or some sort of psychological assessment, he does have the talent to succeed. Oh btw, I'd start him on Thursday.
  2. Sifu


    Berbatov and Johnson would improve the mackems, no doubt about that imo. But as is the case with most of the "stars" who sign for them, it would turn sour for them eventually (as in, it'll get to the point where they can't wait to leave).
  3. As much as I appreciate the optimism, "The Battle for 6th" sounds better and is a tad more realistic. Reflects better on the forum too
  4. Simpson had a bad start to the game, Bale got the better of him on too many occasions - could have easily got himself sent off tbh. But, Simpson did improve as the game went on, his crosses yesterday were good by his standards. Shouldn't really be counting on him to be our first choice RB this season though. Debuchy, s'il vous plait...
  5. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    He's another player who blatantly regrets leaving us in the first place. I think karma has got its way yet again.
  6. Sifu

    Players in public

    Get a photo, shake his hand, hit him, trip him over, shout expletives at him etc.
  7. Sifu


    He did look rather frail in his post-match interview today.
  8. Ah, only just realised that Ian Harte is back playing in the PL.
  9. Ah the chicken dance, quite happy to see it tbh!
  10. Thats the same s*** from last year, utter crap that like. By Brian McNally. Enough said.
  11. Feel sorry for Hughton there. Still early days, the good times will come for him.
  12. Shearer just mentioned a stat! Does that mean he actually does research now?
  13. Good finish from Michu. An equally good run from Routledge too.
  14. Suarez's finishing is atrocious.
  15. Woah, that really is a shite penalty.
  16. Oh, the WBA-Liverpool game is first. This will be fun.
  17. Sifu

    NUFC Kits

    Same here actually, really tempted to go out and buy it tomorrow.
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