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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. If we lose out on Debuchy for the sake of £1 million For one thing, the reaction on here would be something to behold (admittedly, my reaction could very well be amongst the more "wild"/"OTT" ones). Still, there's 17 days for us to do something.
  2. Didn't like the way he left us but he was a top class keeper back in the day. Detested the way he left us - it was like a general leaving his troops to fend for themselves (silly analogy I know). His departure definitely left a bitter taste in the mouth but these days I feel sorry for him more than anything - so he did get his medal at City but that was for sitting on the bench really and to see him now at Villa is a sorry sight tbh. Shame.
  3. Shay's retired from International football. Got to say, he was pretty much all over the place during the Euros but guess you could put that down to fitness issues.
  4. I guess it's unfeasible to release him from his contract? Thought Sheffield Wednesday wanted him on a permanent deal? In any case, there's still some time to send him out on loan somewhere à la Xisco.
  5. Nice one As ever, be sure to post a pic up on here/FB
  6. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    This Rodwell to City thing is a weird one. It's the wrong career move at the wrong time for him imo. If he's going to challenge Barry/de Jong for a place in the team then fair enough but I honestly think Rodwell's not going to have the best of times at City.
  7. Just caught up with this thread. Positive stuff plus the fact he can play DM/CM/LB can only be a good thing. Glad I'm wrong about this one dragging on. A signing before the start of the season is a nice lift to have
  8. Definitely a red. Tyldesley and Townsend talking shite again.
  9. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    If Van Persie does go to Man U, would love to see the cunt fail miserably (unlikely though).
  10. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    Yes, unfortunately.
  11. Sifu

    Season Tickets

    Fuck's sake. Urgh. I suspect the membership cards are going to be just as bad...
  12. Less than 3 weeks left to get something done. Will Lille give in or will we up our offer? Can't see either happening - Lille are, as far as I'm aware, in a decent financial situation so it's not like they're in desperate need for the money and we'll play hardball until the very end. A transfer request from Debuchy could swing it in our favour, despite what was said from the Lille chairman a couple of weeks ago.
  13. Sifu

    NUFC Kits

    It's a shame that we hardly wore that light blue and white one (above last season's orange top).
  14. So I hear something's happening? This one is going to drag as long as the Debuchy saga, maybe.
  15. Sifu

    NUFC Kits

    Same but replace 2007 with 2008.
  16. Exactly seven days left before the big kick off I would definitely take the draw but I'm quite optimistic about this coming season so I'll go for 2-0 to us. Ba with both goals
  17. It's those who are just ready to have a go/pop at anyone underlying concerned about a situation/game, because they are super fans etc are the really annoying one's. Yep, the Footballing Hipster brigade. "Oh my God, look at these clueless fools being worried because we got dicked by a Championship team and haven't strengthened the side" f*** off, man.
  18. Sifu

    NUFC Kits

    Had a look at the strip in JJB today in the flesh. The material feels better than last season's but that spike in the middle stripe really put me off from buying it.
  19. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    And onto Facebook that shall go
  20. 3.00pm, I would imagine. Is this time confirmed?
  21. Yep, you're not the first to do this...
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