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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. The day Lee Ryder retires (or gets sacked) from journalism can't come any sooner. Utter shambles of a journalist.
  2. Senegal players properly lungeing in now.
  3. Dave's going to have a fit.
  4. It really feels like an amateur game of football. Atmosphere's non-existent and the quality of football is shite. Happy GB are ahead though.
  5. Don't forget that he would be reunited with his buddy, Kevin Nolan. The Dream Team reunited . It would be a good move for all concerned really. Carroll would fit in well with Allardyce's ethos. Go on then Sullivan/Gold/Brady, make Carroll an offer he can't refuse so that he doesn't end up back here!
  6. Well, that was an unspectacular first half. It's going to stay 1-0 imo.
  7. I've never had a name on the back of any of my strips. Think I'm going to keep it that way.
  8. Were you high when you decided to go with that?
  9. Sifu

    Curtis Good

    Coeurtisse Bon. Good, bon, gut, 好, bueno, buono. Seriously though, must be one for the future if our scouts/management deem him good enough to come here. Promising I say.
  10. Three football matches in three days (yes, I'm counting the Olympics)
  11. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Craic-erific. Sorry, I'll leave
  12. Six pages. No new updates. Oh well, at least this thread's reached a century.
  13. My Scouse workmate sent some Cabaye hate in my direction today. Was not impressed.
  14. I'm inclined to think the opposite. The players they've been linked with are hardly "star" quality. James Collins ffs
  15. Sifu


    Guess this is what happens when we have so much inactivity with regards to transfers.
  16. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Oh and his website is now live: http://www.joeybarton.com/
  17. You forgot one key fact, Perchinho's in that team
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