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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. So that's David to add to the oldtype Hall of Fame.
  2. Tbf, some people on here and a few of my mates (unjustifiably) wrote him off last season...
  3. I was really wound up They basically said that if the likes of Cabaye, Ben Arfa were given a choice to go to Liverpool, they would say yes immediately.
  4. Oh, so Carroll actually wants to come back? Well that's nothing new really, it was clear very early on that he made a mistake in moving. The way I see it though is that we definitely won't meet Liverpool's demands/valuation. £15-17 million? Nah, f*** off.
  5. Had a somewhat heated discussion with two of my workmates today. Unfortunately, they went into "Liverpool fan mode" and said the following: - If given the choice, a player would choose Liverpool over us any time - Lucas is a better DM than Tiote - Cabaye/Ben Arfa swap for Carroll would be a good deal The arrogance of it all man!
  6. Ah, well a win's a win Must have been a decent enough workout.
  7. Harper back to his number 12/13 maybe?
  8. 2010 was when Carroll was at his best. Some of the stuff he played was almost Shearer-esque, that's how good his potential was back then. He hasn't progressed at all in the last two years though and that's really down to him. His attitude has been poor - he's still somewhat immature. The many times he'd been called out for his off-field antics (ie. his boozing) and not doing anything about just epitomised the level of his attitude. You could put that down to him being homesick or you could put that down to Dalglish's shitness but one thing's for sure imo, he simply hasn't been professional. The back end of last season saw glimpses of the Carroll of old but his decent form came too little, too late in terms of doing anything to justify his £35 million price tag. Definitely don't want him back here as I see it as a step in the wrong direction. We've moved on and he made his choice so I would rather we concentrate on bringing in other targets.
  9. Didn't see everybody laughing at Spurs when they took Robbie Keane back. No one really cares tbh. Good example. That one worked out well No it didn't but my point is this 'oh we will be a laughing stock' , who outside Newcastle actually cares if we take Carroll back on a loan. I repeat, a loan. The media would go on a frenzy. They're expecting us to do something daft because we're "Mike Ashley's Newcastle United".
  10. It's been mentioned but I do have some issues with Carroll's behaviour off the pitch. He is a cunt (even when he was playing for us) and I am concerned about what his presence would do to squad harmony. Seem to remember Soderberg saying that Carroll liked to get into random fights over nowt...
  11. He did have a somewhat strong finish to the season so the only thing Carroll can do is to train hard and build on it. But if he's not in the manager's plans, then he should really move on to pastures new.
  12. Different type of player. Anita is a defensive midfielder, bigi isn't. Bigirimana is still young though so we could yet concentrate our efforts into developing him into a DM - certainly has the attributes to be one. What's that based on? That's pretty much based on what others have said about him We'll see what happens anyway but I do think that the plan is to develop Bigirimana into a DM.
  13. Craig reckoned he has been in contact with Carroll's "people". Now we just need Steve Wraith to say something to round it all off.
  14. Different type of player. Anita is a defensive midfielder, bigi isn't. Bigirimana is still young though so we could yet concentrate our efforts into developing him into a DM - certainly has the attributes to be one.
  15. Care to explain mate? wormy's post above - I think he's taking the p*ss there.
  16. Full of whoosh here like.
  17. Just read that article. Such great words from a great man. I'm glad he's our captain.
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