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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Ba is rather effective in the hole imo - that is, playing from deep. The Cissé-Ba partnership hasn't really clicked as such but it will happen for them imho. Their games may be similar but Ba is different in that he can play in a somewhat non-advanced forward role. Cissé and Ba just have to learn about each other's game and interchange roles when need be. I reckon a formation along the lines of a 4-4-1-1 could work (with Ben Arfa having a free role from the left/right wing). But, in any case, the formation Pardew lines up with will be very dependent on the opposition. If it's a lower mid-table team, then I think we might see the return of the 4-3-3.
  2. Another good stop from Butland.
  3. Sinclair Should add some life in midfield/down the wings.
  4. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Hang on, did I read the last few pages right? £15 million for Joe Allen? As ever with Liverpool, it's going to end in tears.
  5. Who gave Garth Crooks pills? He's very shouty atm.
  6. Thought Sturridge looked alright. There's nowt coming from midfield mind.
  7. Oh and Team GB's defending has been quite shit.
  8. Neymar is such a prick His attitude could hold him back from fulfilling his true potential...
  9. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    Definitely going to his testimonial like
  10. I wonder if Anita's the contingency plan if we fail to sign Debuchy. That is, a new starting LB with Santon moving to RB?
  11. £20 fucking million? Aye, of course someone will pay that! The good news is that the Scousers have more than likely priced us out of a potential move, the bad news is...oh, wait there is none.
  12. Team bonding ftw. Looks like he's settling in fine.
  13. Rodgers is clearly already feeling the pressure. It really sounds as if he is out of his depth already
  14. Oh dear. Good to see that he's still taking his footballing career seriously.
  15. Well that's that then. Thank fuck. (But in all seriousness, this has not reached its conclusion just yet... )
  16. Struggling to think of examples, he;lp. Well this Carroll thing for one.
  17. Sifu


    I can sense a transfer request coming...
  18. Whilst I do understand (and appreciate) the reasons behind this hard business approach, there does come a point when it's the wrong approach to adopt. For the sake of saving an extra million pounds, we could lose out on a really good player and that would be really annoying especially when more often or not, our plan B is virtually non-existent or just plain silly. Btw, I think it's a good thing that we're no longer in a position where we're spending silly money on players.
  19. Ah feck, forgot about him. My bad.
  20. Namely Lawrenson, Pearce, Mowbray. Dixon is no big loss.
  21. This Friday's game is live on BBC1 btw.
  22. I got sent a link to a statistical report which proved that Lucas is better than Tiote. Apparently, Lucas would outmuscle Tiote rather easily
  23. Bientôt, mes amis, bientôt...
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