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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Ah so we "hope to sign" Debuchy this week - can't see it personally, this is going to drag on for a while yet... (No idea where my negativity's come from like).
  2. Rumour has it the Scousers are going to sign a superstar on loan this week. David Villa's been mentioned
  3. Ben Arfa's best role is coming in from the wing, just give him a free role there and all will be well.
  4. Mark Douglas, forever the man with the latest news, oh wait...
  5. There's no reason why we can't vary it a bit during a game. The way I see it is that when we're on the ball and attacking, it'll be a 4-3-3 but if we're defending, we can easily switch to a 4-4-2/4-5-1 to cover both flanks and the middle - we have the players to make this work.
  6. I'm going to guess... "Newcastle United will sign someone this week." Simples.
  7. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Gutted for him. Speedy recovery Leon! He had a good chance of really setting the Championship alight - actually would have backed him to finish top scorer.
  8. Another pre-season trophy I hear. Well we're certainly a club going places. Oh and btw, that trophy looks ridiculous
  9. Great to hear that he performed well tonight. I had a feeling that he had it in him, hope he gets some game time next season and I sincerely hope his injury problems are well and truly behind him.
  10. Really? Think it's only a matter of time. It feels as if we're going in circles. One day it's "close to agreeing fee with Lille/terms agreed with Debuchy" but then another it's "Debuchy staying put for now."
  11. Seriously though, the longer this drags on, the less likely we'll sign Debuchy. This transfer window has been quite annoying, good ol' summer time.
  12. Chin up poppett, dont take it too heart. Your turn as the bullet magnet tonight. Well. You tend to get quite frustrated when everyone jumps at you for basically no reason and explanation. Your over-analysis of tonight's game might have something to do with it...
  13. So what will happen if it finishes 1-1, and the 4-4 on pens? It goes to the team with the lowest median age :lol: What a stupid competition
  14. No they won't. Would be hugely surprised anyway. Have this post for your sig if I'm wrong. Well, I really don't want him back so I'm holding out hope that West Ham actually do get him
  15. Slowly but surely with this like. As they say, "slow and steady wins the race"...
  16. West Ham will get him imo. Carroll may want to come back here but if the offer's good enough from West Ham, he's off there. If Carroll's worried about settling in, he'll have his mate Nolan to help him get through the good times and bad. Carroll didn't really have much support at Liverpool (unsurprising when you're working with cunts like Carragher, Gerrard, Suarez, Dalglish, etc.) but I really do think Nolan being at West Ham could sway Carroll's decision. Sure, his home is here but he has alienated a lot of the locals so he's going to have to do a lot of work to do if he wants to get himself back in people's good books (mine included, still don't want him back).
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