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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Pearce man, why the f*** are you taking Bellamy off?
  2. Should be banned just for celebrating it at all. Oldtype out. Only just seen that post. I echo the sentiments in your post, Anderson.
  3. Well that was a terrible first half from GB. South Korea were by far the better team and we basically created nothing of note. Hopefully this second half will be better, almost a chance for Cleverley I see - more of that please!
  4. Oh, it's over? What a bore that game was.
  5. Still not going to write Obertan off just yet despite what just happened...
  6. When? I still find it incredible that he can use his pace to beat a guy, then after he's beaten him suddenly stop to allow the defender to catch back up and dispossess him He's looked quite decent in this game tbf. He's finally putting crosses into the box it seems.
  7. Looks like the Obertan renaissance is happening
  8. Yep, would love an option to have no commentary during games. I guess i will stick to my mute and listen to music routine Bit of an odd routine if I'm being honest. I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the game if there's music in the background.
  9. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I fully expect Ben Arfa to be among those in the starting lineup come the 18th August. All will be well. He's behind everyone else in terms of fitness but he'll be fine.
  10. -------------Tiote---------------- ---Toulalan---------Cabaye--- HBA----------------------------Ba --------------Cisse----------------- Well that's me sold Same old transfer window, always linked with everyone...
  11. Toulalan? Would be a decent signing but not sure where he would fit in...
  12. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    The FA will blatantly intervene with regards to this (nah). Definitely shouldn't be allowed, still though Barton and his "ambition" haha.
  13. Yesterday's game was average at best. GB's goal was a decent move and Butland looked rather sharp but overall it wasn't that good of a game. I was alternating between the footy and the swimming (was watching it in a bar and it had the swimming on on the other screen). Still though, very much looking forward to the Quarters against South Korea. Where's that being played btw?
  14. This transfer saga is really dragging on. I'm starting to get a bit worried now, really want him to come here and it probably comes as no surprise that it's the fee that's stopping this from happening. Still hoping for some good news before the start of the season...
  15. Jim White is standing by.
  16. I'm still of the opinion that he's going nowhere btw. I've been confident of that for a while.
  17. Oooo, Lee's being properly emotional tonight. Tool. Meltdown complete?
  18. Very much so. We have the possibility of signing a top international full back and £6.2 million sounds just around right. Howay Ashley/Llambias, do the right thing...
  19. Sifu

    NUFC Kits

    Still annoyed about the spikes but the more I think about it, the more I actually want to buy it. Think that may be somewhat down to home sickness...
  20. Sifu

    Curtis Good

    Ah a signing! This is Good. All the best to him.
  21. Davies is more mobile than Carroll? Carroll's ability is meh atm (most likely down to confidence issues) but there's no way Kevin Davies is a more mobile player than Carroll. I've heard it all now. Btw, hope West Ham get serious about this move. I know they've denied this £2 million loan deal but it's definitely not the last we'll hear from them with regards to Carroll.
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