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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Hope Denmark get the second goal tbh.
  2. Van Bommell is such a twat.
  3. Yep, the Dutch are properly choking now.
  4. I can see Denmark holding onto this one goal lead.
  5. Why are you asking these questions, Gary? Unnecessary.
  6. Overall, it was an underwhelming half. Got a bit better after Denmark scored (it also doesn't help that the atmosphere has been s*** too).
  7. What a boring half of football.
  8. Looks terrible. The atmosphere sounds shit as well.
  9. Can't see anything but a win for the Netherlands tonight. 2-0 to them.
  10. Lineker looked at the wrong camera again
  11. St. James' Park without the Sports Direct shite
  12. To add insult to injury, we got Michael Owen in exchange.
  13. Should be fun and insightful...
  14. Sifu

    Good and Bad Debuts

    Scored an own goal and got sent off iirc.
  15. Goal! is on BBC2 in less than 20 minutes. Has always been a decent enough watch for me.
  16. With reports of hooliganism, fights, racist behaviour and now, a murder in the news, this tournament could end up being remembered for all the wrong reasons. UEFA/FIFA will probably turn a blind eye on most of this as unfortunately, the main thing they care about is the money. Morals have been thrown out the window and with Russia hosting the World Cup in 2018, things could potentially get worse if proper, authoritative action isn't taken. I'm aware that it's only the minority who are causing trouble but even a small group of people can ruin everything. As it stands, the only course of action I can see UEFA/FIFA taking, if the behaviour gets out of hand, is to just fine the two FAs and that's quite a weak response imho.
  17. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Barton has a good point there tbf. Whilst he did have a shit season, Henderson had an even worse one so logically speaking, Barton should have been on the plane instead of that mackem.
  18. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    How old is he these days? Barça could probably get one great season out of him. Turning 34 today. Ah, in that case, I'll stick by my last sentence, they could get one decent goalscoring season out of him. The service will be there so he will get goals (imo anyway).
  19. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    How old is he these days? Barça could probably get one great season out of him.
  20. ffs looks like nufcfans is going to be just as bad as cwarr07...
  21. It was £12.50 from JJB Sports last weekend. Still though, ~ £15 is a good deal.
  22. Great win for the Russians. I was very impressed with them tonight, played some brilliant stuff.
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