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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    I would have preferred him to stay but I can understand his decision to leave. Best of luck for the future Danny.
  2. Horrendous manager but that really is brilliant from Kinnear
  3. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Reet we have no choice, time to unleash the Joey... http://www.inthestands.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/43049339_barton_pa.jpg
  4. Now that sounds promising, would be great to see another player with the Cheik mentality I hope Tiote stays here forever mind (which probably won't happen but a man can dream).
  5. These last few pages have made me sad. Still can't comprehend how anyone would be indifferent with Ba leaving. I, for one, would be quite gutted if he left.
  6. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Youth can actually be influential in these kind of tournaments, the wildcards if you will but it's plain to see that Henderson is neither a good wild card nor a legitimately good/influential player.
  7. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/16/Drevil_million_dollars.jpg/200px-Drevil_million_dollars.jpg Sounds like someone was bored when they wrote article. "Hmmm, what ridiculous story can I come up with today? Oh, I know!"
  8. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Oh f*** off man, Jordan Henderson? FFS. He shouldn't have been put on standby either! Roy's made a terrible decision there.
  9. I see that bellend Darren Lewis wrote that. *Ignores article*.
  10. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    He only played in this country on loan.... Ah, well in any case, I remember him being quite shite.
  11. Hope Lambert says no, he's been doing a fine job at Norwich.
  12. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Jordan Henderson, please don't make the final squad, please don't make the final squad, please don't make the final squad! Hope Lampard's injury's not too serious. (Call up Scholes tbh).
  13. Well, this is going to end in tears. It is quite a peculiar appointment imho. The Liverpool fans' (high) expectations are going to take its toll on Rodgers. This is going to be a massive challenge for him and unfortunately, I can't see him lasting a whole season at Anfield - he'll receive some initial support from the fans but then once things start going badly (a bad run of form), the fans will inevitably start turning on him. Btw, I never really got the massive love-in Rodgers got - sure he got Swansea playing some good stuff here and there but towards the end of the season, it started to become clear that his tactics were actually boring as f*** (you could say they were somewhat negative, what with the passes to midfield from defence, then back to defence and eventually back to the keeper). Oh and howay Parky!
  14. Summer has well and truly begun.
  15. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Yep, our midfield, in particular, is shocking. All of our main/natural central midfielders (Lampard, Parker and Gerrard) are all over 30.
  16. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Definitely agree (plus I don't want that cunt Terry starting).
  17. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Walcott's main problem is that he's so inconsistent. That's what holding him back from being a really top player and that's also the reason why he's not rated so highly.
  18. I'm not really sure where Gameiro would fit in. If we go for a 4-4-2 (a system which I hope to see less of next season), then can see Gameiro thriving, with another striker alongside him but I would rather see us to use the 4-3-3 more regularly next season and Cissé being deployed as the main striker of the front three is a no brainer for me.
  19. I'm not sure it's dead certain like. His agent is just saying we haven't made a formal approach. Of course he won't go to us then. We need to come to senses soon anyway, and sign the man. The best we can get for a decent price. There's still some time to get something sorted I guess and with Mbiwa out of the French squad, he'll more than likely be available for a reasonable price. Mmmm, not so sure. Montpellier probably don't need to sell after the season they've had, the player has indicated he is happy to stay and the chairman has indicated they will only sell if a significant offer comes in for him. With reported interest from (other) big clubs from England and Germany I think we're looking at upwards of 10 million, which as that article correctly asserts pretty much rules us out.. Well, the Montpellier chairman did say that they would be willing to sell both Giroud and Mbiwa and I suspect the former would be the one to bring in the most money as a result of his sale - this could mean Mbiwa could be made available for a lower price, maybe something between £6-7 million? I'm trying to sound logical here but think I'm failing miserably Having said that though, Douglas is still a possibility but with this being us, we probably won't get him either (in which case, I hope we have a plan C...).
  20. I'm not sure it's dead certain like. His agent is just saying we haven't made a formal approach. Of course he won't go to us then. We need to come to senses soon anyway, and sign the man. The best we can get for a decent price. There's still some time to get something sorted I guess and with Mbiwa out of the French squad, he'll more than likely be available for a reasonable price.
  21. Whacked a fiver on France to win the Euros. 11-1.
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