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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Still thinking about this... Anyone here live in Liverpool who can point me in the direction in regards to Evertonian pubs? (I know I have to keep a low profile and I can do that...).
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Technically he isn't actually speaking to the press but he is speaking to the public (which unfortunately does include the media). Hatem's basically bent the rules a bit
  3. Guess I should be thankful that the Liverpool fan I work with is able have a sensible discussion about football/Liverpool.
  4. Just remembered something I saw today. When I was walking around Manchester, there were a couple of guys selling, "Manchester City: Champions" scarves. Bit pre-mature like even if they are the favourites to win it.
  5. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Aye, this too and yeah if he feels he needs to leave then it's completely understandable. McLeish has managed to ruin N'Zogbia so I suspect the same might happen to Guthrie. Some people on here have mentioned Guthrie as being a potential replacement for the ageing Danny Murphy so Fulham could/should be the more attractive option...
  6. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    I'd actually be disappointed if Guthrie does end up going to Villa. He can do so much better than them. Unfortunately, I can see McLeish ruining him. Unless Villa get a new manager in, can't see this move being beneficial to Danny whatsoever.
  7. If we do manage to sign Debuchy, our defence will be nicely shored up imo. To move on from Simpson to Debuchy would a step in the right direction. Let's hope Cabaye's (and possibly Ben Arfa's) persuasive powers will be enough to get Mathieu on board.
  8. When's the Championship Playoff Final btw?
  9. Where are the body language experts? "I've made a terrible mistake" Never mind his body language look at his beard language, that stubble is a come and get me plea without doubt The stress is finally getting to him. Can't be arsed with shaving anymore!
  10. Btw, from the other kits thread: Where are the body language experts?
  11. Brilliant. The Chronicle website does something good for once!
  12. Whenever we've been in the UEFA Cup/Europa League (during this last decade), we have looked pretty decent so I'd say it's our best chance to win a trophy. But being the traditionalist that I am, if I had to choose, I would love us to win the FA Cup (tis a grand old trophy, full of tradition).
  13. Need to find a way to watch this game. I wonder if it'll be worth it for me to travel down on the day and try and get a ticket from somewhere...failing that, I guess there's a pub near Goodison which will show the game...
  14. The worrying thing is, you can tell he actually believes that. My City-supporting mate thinks he's a dick (basically embarrassed the entire fanbase and all that reasoning). In fact, most Man City supporters think the same.
  15. A Spurs team which has decided to start winning again so can't see anything but a win for them...
  16. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    A much deserved accolade for Pardew. He's done such a phenomenal job this season - a guaranteed finish of 5th place is a fantastic achievement in anyone's books like. Whatever happens this Sunday, people can't deny that Alan has oversaw our best season in years. Silver fox ftw! :clap:
  17. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    I concur with what you said in your spoiler.
  18. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    As much as I would love Saylor back in the team, his injury record these past couple of years has been pretty poor. Honestly don't think we can count on him to last a full season. Shame, he really was in the form of his life prior to his injury in December - if he can replicate this form when he does come back from injury, then of course, we'll have a valuable player on our hands. I imagine we'll rotate our CBs quite a bit next season anyway, what with all the extra games and all that so think we'll still see quite a bit of Saylor.
  19. Admittedly, a trip to Amsterdam next year would be very epic indeed.
  20. Think I would prefer the FA Cup, it's a grand old trophy full of tradition.
  21. I literally just made this face: That is an atrocious top. What's wrong with Nike? They've made some absolute shite recently.
  22. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Would actually like Best to stay. He is decent backup imo and he is really likeable so I would be a bit disappointed if he does go. Having said that, I guess we could easily find a replacement for him (maybe a couple of up and coming players from the Championship?).
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