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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Gerrard can still run. Kinda. Plus I said, a "somewhat" lack of pace.
  2. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Barry in CM, can't be having that. Parker over Barry any day of the week like. So my team this summer would be: Hart Richards Cahill Lescott Cole Parker Gerrard Scholes Young Sturridge Rooney/Welbeck Well, that was actually hard! I'll get slated for putting Cahill in there but can't fucking stand Terry (plus he's shite these days). Phil Jones is still young so don't think he's an automatic starter on the international stage just yet. Lescott is just about the best option there imo. I'm putting Scholes in there for his experience and when Gerrard's up for it, he is actually decent (did consider putting Lampard in there but that would have meant a somewhat lack of pace in midfield). Welbeck can be decent with the right service and with Sturridge and Young supporting him, this strikeforce should, in theory, be able to work together.
  3. Hope we do the same thing as Man U if Demba/Papiss are selected for the Olympics. Ba needs a lot of rest, can't be having him being worn out before pre-season.
  4. Sifu

    The England Thread

    James Robert "Perchinho" Perch.
  5. where do we come in, assuming we finish 5th and chelsea get beat ? Playoff round.
  6. With that end montage, doesn't look like they have the rights for next season...
  7. Yep, Bilbao were never in it. Disappointing really.
  8. Sifu


    Well then...
  9. Sifu


    So, you were actually being serious?
  10. Falcao again man! That's now 29 goals in 29 Europa League games.
  11. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Best photo ever tbh His smile is contagious really.
  12. Falcao with a splendid goal.
  13. Don't think Ashley is that stupid. Any move like that and he would alienate everyone (the club wouldn't be Newcastle United anymore) and he would consequently lose a lot of money.
  14. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Brilliant news. Proud of him, now let's hope he actually makes the final cut (can see no reason for leaving him out btw so yeah, think he's made it!).
  15. Yh i know man, i cant destroy your dreams i am just not sure i can see him replicating that level he showed at Bordeaux..... He has huge mental issues which would take alot to overcome, no doubt he's talented tho. Same, he has somewhat lost his way these last few years. Maybe a change of league/scenery will do him some good? Would probably still take him regardless though, he would fit in well in a midfield 3 as mentioned above. Would almost be fwap-worthy.
  16. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Massive credit and respect to Pardew. He's had his ups and downs (more of the former than latter really) but he and his coaching staff have really done a phenomenal job this season. Never would I have expected us to be guaranteed at least 5th place with a game to go, nor would I have imagined us being genuine challengers for a CL spot. Looking forward to next season already. I reckon with a couple more quality signings, we'll maintain a challenge on the top 7 (anything else above this would be a huge plus).
  17. I know, right? Got to be a dream like. Don't think it's actually hit me yet, haha.
  18. Absolutely fantastic achievement
  19. Guaranteed at least 5th...fantastic
  20. Sensible move for everyone concerned at Villa. So... McLeish to WBA then?
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