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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. FFS. That c*** Allardyce is back in the PL, f*** off. Mind you though, it will be good to see Nolan back at St. James'.
  2. Sifu


    Please don't. I echo this, please don't do the interview SuperShola!...
  3. Late to the party but howay Blackpool!
  4. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Really hope he makes the final cut. Certainly deserves it imo, he'll make a massive difference to France's play (well, more than Nasri anyway!). Unleash the Hatem and the Yohan.
  5. Sifu


    Tbh, if Shearer does sign up to Twitter, can't see him tweeting anything remotely interesting...
  6. Sifu


    Nah, RTG would idolise them and call them "heroes".
  7. If we don't get Debuchy, then Clyne would definitely be my second choice/plan B. Would be a very good signing, looking very much like a very promising player (would also meet the criteria of our transfer policy).
  8. Sifu


    Just caught up with this thread. Amazing stuff :lol: This really made my day.
  9. Sounds like a brilliant contingency plan like and one which I would fully support. Got to say though, the more I think about it, the more I think Santon would make a canny long term option for LB. His development in the role is coming along nicely imo.
  10. This transfer saga has well and truly begun. Expect a few bidding wars
  11. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Kevin Davies tbh. Oooh, good call. Heskey Davies Fletcher Doyle There must be a fifth entry in the "obvious MON purchases" list. That there is a Champions League strikeforce anyday. FTM.
  12. Sifu


    Ah f***'s sake, it's the same two people Don't they have anything better to do? (don't answer that )
  13. Feels as if I'm missing out on a lot of fun in this thread. Oh well.
  14. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    The only thing I can think about here is Family Guy: Family Guy - Roadhouse
  15. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    Ah right, there were just a couple of comments that made me think it might have been a fake. It may still be fake, Jonas doesn't come across as the brightest Aye, Jonas follows a fake Tiote account too!
  16. Still can't believe he got a PL winner's medal for basically doing f*** all. I reckon he might go north of the border and join Celtic - he was linked with them ages ago iirc (whether or not Celtic would actually take him is another matter...).
  17. Alex McLeish to mackemville. Now that would be an appointment of epic proportions, haha.
  18. Thought the article said Ian Dowie there But aye, what a plank
  19. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Bought it at the Nike store in Manchester when i was over to watch our away game against Wigan. £70. Ben Arfa 10 When payday comes, think that's going to be one of my first purchases (though I may get Cabaye on the back tbh).
  20. Not a fan of the grey badge. f*** is that made from? Looks like cloth. Has a distinct rugby look to it...
  21. From my Facebook homepage: Hmmm, right.....
  22. Sifu


    Forgot that Wickham existed
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