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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. GIFs speak louder than words. I concur.
  2. Niall Quinn just talkd non-stop s**** for five minutes. Sounds like I'm not missing out on anything then. Good.
  3. The media are going to break him (they're certainly in the process of doing so right now!). If he does indeed get appointed, will definitely give him a chance. Like some people have mentioned, he does have experience of different leagues and all that so logically speaking, he should be able to bring his knowledge to some good use on the international stage.
  4. Decided to stay in, I'm going to assume that most pubs/bars will be packed anyway (plus I'll have no-one to go with!).
  5. Contemplating whether or not to go and watch this in Manchester City Centre...
  6. Would be typical after all this build up in the media
  7. Is 3 at the back with 2 wing backs that wacky really ? No Williamson no Simpson, Dougles if we signed him... BUT I am not a fan I was just putting out there due to this Santon debate. I see him as a fullback not a winger anyway, so him as a RB in a flat back four would be my preferred choice. Actually, tbf to you, we did attempt to play that formation yesterday with Santon and Jonas as wingbacks. It didn't really work so can't really see it being a long term option as such.
  8. Skirge's wacky formations make a (welcome) return
  9. Not a bad choice for the England job like. Will certainly receive my backing if he is appointed England manager. Thought Redknapp was a certainty for the job and I would have just about stomached him as the face of the national team but with this latest development, all I'll say is, fuck him, haha
  10. Indeed. Santon to right back and a new left back coming in. An ideal solution but I wouldn't be averse to the idea of bringing in a quality RB (such as Debuchy) and letting Santon continue his development at LB.
  11. The way I see it, avoid defeat at Chelsea and it's still very much on. I'm actually quite confident of a win against City at St. James'. Don't know why but it's my gut feeling.
  12. Sifu

    Curtis Good

    Good luck, Curtis.
  13. Only just seen the score, 6-1 to Chelsea with Torres scoring? Uh oh.
  14. We always get absolutely f*** all at Reading too, and Southampton speaks for itself, I'm hoping Kieron Dyer and Stephen Carr buried that demon for good. Didn't want West Ham to come up but now you've said that, we usually beat them buggers. Hopefully that win we got in the Championship has destroyed our voodoo there for good too! Yet another game in the Championship I have absolutely no recollection of. It was 2-1 to us iirc with Nolan getting both goals.
  15. We always get absolutely f*** all at Reading too, and Southampton speaks for itself, I'm hoping Kieron Dyer and Stephen Carr buried that demon for good. Didn't want West Ham to come up but now you've said that, we usually beat them buggers. Hopefully that win we got in the Championship has destroyed our voodoo there for good!
  16. Fair play to the c*** for that goal/hat trick.
  17. Totally agree on both counts. Whenever I've seen you this year, Tiote hasn't impressed me that much. His passing has often been mediocre and gives away a lot of fouls, many of them stupid. Has his qualities, like most do, but could be one to sacrifice if you had to sell someone. Might just be a harsh assessment on what I've seen? The fact that he's been in and out of the team this season (due to injuries/ACoN participation) hasn't helped. So he really hasn't had a consistent run of games this year.
  18. Lawrenson and Hansen on tonight. No doubt they'll have a few digs at us.
  19. Bah, just had a look at the running order, our game's on first.
  20. We were on the back foot so I could see why Pardew decided to change it there and then. Wigan had so much more width than we did so I guess Pardew wanted to shut down the threat from the wings. Which is fair enough, but I can think of a better way of doing it than switching the LB to RB mid-game and pulling a midfielder into LB. They looked lost. There was a moment in the box between Santon and Simpson where they didn't know who was supposed to defending what To an extent aye but we had to do something, we were being battered. Considering Santon has played on the wing before in his career, I guess you could say that he was the logical choice to put there...
  21. We were on the back foot so I could see why Pardew decided to change it there and then. Wigan had so much more width than we did so I guess Pardew wanted to shut down the threat from the wings.
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