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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu


    I don't have Mrs Ketsbaia on Facebook. This needs to change. *friend request time*
  2. Just acquired it myself. Yeah, it's miles better than the previous versions.
  3. I'm still on the fence like. Will probably have a proper think about it after the outcome of the Stoke game - ff we win that, I might just start believing......
  4. I would like to say well done to Neil on whatever winnings he's currently enjoying. It's been a long time coming eh?
  5. Their form is mullered as it is, this can only help bash it some more. Hmmm, actually yeah, a demoralised Spurs could be a good thing for us.
  6. Well, that was a great free kick from Lampard.
  7. Martin Atkinson should definitely get suspended. This isn't the first time he's made a horrendous decision.
  8. Do you know what? I hope Spurs win this game now.
  9. I have a feeling that Atkinson is going to get given a "break" from refereeing in the PL.
  10. Hmmm, I actually fancy a Mars bar now.
  11. That was a canny goal from Drogba. Think Spurs have been the better team, just.
  12. Just seen Ashley Young's dive. Can someone at the FA please take some action against this diving cunt? Please?
  13. I just want lots of injuries, red cards, bad defending, poor finishing, extra time and a penalty shoot out that goes way past midnight. That'll do.
  14. This summer is going to be fun! I mean, the amount of bollocks we're going to be presented with on a daily basis is going to be quite substantial. Yay.
  15. I see Welbeck scored today (I took him out for Yakubu ).
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