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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. As this rate, it looks like he's never going to be selected!
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Aye, my wild guess is that Hatem refuses to put any sort of effort in physical training. We've heard how little Shane has to beef up and in fairness Ben Arfa's frame isn't much bigger. To me, Ben Arfa looks more muscled now (only slightly though) than he was when we first signed him. The lad does have some good strength, he does, at times, hold up the ball well.
  3. Btw, the way Wolves have handled their managerial search has really been a farce. "This job isn't for a novice, etc.".
  4. Who could forget this chest: http://images.icnetwork.co.uk/upl/nechronical/jan2011/2/2/nikos-dabizas-325864431.jpg
  5. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    What a waste of a player currently in his peak. Could easily be playing for a top 4 team in the Prem. If the move goes through, Samba will probably lose a bit of respect from quite a lot of people (myself included). that'll teach him. Yep.
  6. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    What a waste of a player currently in his peak. Could easily be playing for a top 4 team in the Prem. If the move goes through, Samba will probably lose a bit of respect from quite a lot of people (myself included).
  7. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Btw Neil, don't know if you've seen my post in the NWOAT but I'll post it in here anyway: Should go well.
  8. Mark Douglas ‏ @MsiDouglas Dispatches from the Black Country are that Steve Bruce is being royally messed around by Wolves. Can't understand that: he'd be a good appt
  9. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    Same old Lawro.....
  10. Sky Sports ‏ @SkySports Everton have confirmed that Phil Neville will be part of the England Under-21s coaching staff next week. see.sc/byhbmp
  11. "There's only one Luis Suarez."
  12. I heard it was Phil 'Bones' Jones, no? The teamsheet they had up on Channel 5 seemed to think so but nah, it was Park who led them out.
  13. Ji Sung Park captaining Man U tonight. oldtype will be proud.
  14. Signing Clyne would be very nice. Tavernier stepping up could be an option too, Simpson needs the competition.
  15. Playing Saylor at RB should only be a last resort imo.
  16. The new kit's not too bad I guess. Not a fan of the keeper top though.
  17. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Frazier Campbell ffs. That squad is quite a joke like. But at least the likes of Ferdinand and Lampard haven't been called up. I do wonder though, would Terry have made the squad if he wasn't injured? (otherwise known as, I wonder if Pearce would have had the balls to not select him, ie. beginning the process of dropping him completely).
  18. Is the Valencia-Stoke game on TV tonight?
  19. Sifu

    St James' Park

    That film is quality. One of those that are so shitty it's amazing. Was Hong Kong comedy/Stephen Chow at its/his best. It was amazing film because it was amazing.
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