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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20120222/freeview-guess-who-and-win_2281670_2620381
  2. Thanks, as long as it's not completely quiet then I'm cool with sitting there. Though just checked online, there's still seats in the Leazes Upper, the guy at the box office told me they were sold out. Meh.
  3. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    He's hardly getting games for them anyway so don't think he would be missed. Arsenal fans aren't so fond of him either.
  4. is that under the wolves fans ? Think so, it's where the Blackburn fans were sitting when we played them in the FA Cup this year. Looks alright but was wondering what the craic/atmosphere is sitting there. Seats in the Leazes middle were all sold out and I didn't want to particularly sit in level 7 so thought I'd try a corner this time. Decent view - as every seat in the ground is. w*** atmosphere. Thanks for that
  5. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Some lush food on offer in there like. Bit pricey though.
  6. Well, at least it's not an early Sunday kick-off. (That's the only positive I can think of, personally, it's a fucking joke!).
  7. These days AVB, to me, is a man who seems to be lacking in confidence. The fact that he said that he wanted "public backing from Abramovich" says it all for me, here we have a man who is clearly feeling the pressure and as a result, it's affected his confidence. It also doesn't help he has to deal with the many egos in the dressing room. He simply can't stamp his authority on the dressing room, Terry and others probably believe that they "know better" than a "relative unknown". The AVB project is the right move for Chelsea's future, they simply can't rely on the likes of Terry, Lampard anymore, it's time to bring in the young talent into the side (he did, after all sign many youngsters in both transfer windows). Dropping Lampard at the start of the season was just the beginning. Villas-Boas should be given a chance imo - sacking him now will only create further problems for Chelsea.
  8. Sifu


    I really like him. Though he is a massive gobshite so I ignore what he says these days.
  9. is that under the wolves fans ? Think so, it's where the Blackburn fans were sitting when we played them in the FA Cup this year. Looks alright but was wondering what the craic/atmosphere is sitting there. Seats in the Leazes middle were all sold out and I didn't want to particularly sit in level 7 so thought I'd try a corner this time.
  10. Utter balls. Good player but to suggest he was better than Chris Waddle is astonishing. I didn't. You're back!
  11. Just bought my ticket for this game. Got a question though, I'll be sitting in the North East Corner for the first time ever (the game's nearly sold out), so was wondering, how good/bad are these seats?
  12. Judging from Mancini's words (or lack of rather), think we won't be seeing Tevez playing any time soon. Hope he rots in the reserves tbh.
  13. Indeed but still, I'm quite bitterly disappointed that Ben Arfa's not likely to start this one. We need to attack Wolves from the off and Ben Arfa can do that. Sure Raylor might be able to chip in and do a decent-ish job but let's be honest, he doesn't exactly fright the life of the opposition. Considering all the factors (home advantage at St. James'; Wolves being defensively s****; us having a full strength team out), the Wolves game is the best time to unleash the Hatem. Hmmm. I've said this before though, let's see what happens between now and the end of the season regarding Ben Arfa before we jump to early conclusions (I can understand people coming to such conclusions but there's still time for things to change). what's up with all the blind positivity mate? Sadly looks as if he's clearly behind Ober and Taylor and I reckon Pards would put Guthrie out there before him too as a reward for past performances. If he's here by Sep 1st it will be a miracle like. Just the way I roll! In any case, think it's best to wait until the end of the season before a proper judgement can be made (unless the Ben Arfa situation doesn't improve whatsoever in the next month and a half so, ie. he's not starting at all. If this is so, then I may change my view but until that happens, still somewhat confident about Ben Arfa's chances here).
  14. I see that an Italian team has beat another English side with relative ease. Though Chelsea do have an away goal so they're still somewhat in this tie (unlikely though judging from the comments in this thread about Chelsea's shitness). (Did not watch the game btw).
  15. Indeed but still, I'm quite bitterly disappointed that Ben Arfa's not likely to start this one. We need to attack Wolves from the off and Ben Arfa can do that. Sure Raylor might be able to chip in and do a decent-ish job but let's be honest, he doesn't exactly fright the life of the opposition. Considering all the factors (home advantage at St. James'; Wolves being defensively s****; us having a full strength team out), the Wolves game is the best time to unleash the Hatem. Hmmm. I've said this before though, let's see what happens between now and the end of the season regarding Ben Arfa before we jump to early conclusions (I can understand people coming to such conclusions but there's still time for things to change).
  16. Aye, same here. Best thing to do is to ignore it.
  17. What business acumen?? They're now down to selling tickets on discount site!! Nothing they do oozes class. http://www.groupon.co.uk/deals/east-london/west-ham-united-fc/3523440?nlp=&CID=UK_CRM_1_0_0_52&a=2282 Oh dear.
  18. Sifu

    Arsene Wenger

    very true, but they've gotten to a point where they rely on a lad who has just turned 20. like people desperate for oxlade chamberlain he start every match - he's too young. he looked out of his depth against sunderland, for example - he wasn't, but he will have games like that being raw, inexperienced and less physically developed. Indeed but imo, Wilshere has actually "made the grade". Overall, he was great last season (first proper one too) and can only get better. He is such an important player for them, so much so that it's got to the point where his age doesn't really matter anymore. Oxlade-Chamberlain however is a different story, he has bags of talent but it is his first season in the PL and he is only 18, Yeah i totally agree however teenage players are likely to break down now and then or have dips as they get used to the rigours of professional football which is where relying on them becomes a bit risky. Indeed. Also just had a thought too - Wilshere will also need to get to grips with the PL again after being out for such a long time. Hmmm.
  19. Sifu

    Arsene Wenger

    very true, but they've gotten to a point where they rely on a lad who has just turned 20. like people desperate for oxlade chamberlain he start every match - he's too young. he looked out of his depth against sunderland, for example - he wasn't, but he will have games like that being raw, inexperienced and less physically developed. Indeed but imo, Wilshere has actually "made the grade". Overall, he was great last season (first proper one too) and can only get better. He is such an important player for them, so much so that it's got to the point where his age doesn't really matter anymore. Oxlade-Chamberlain however is a different story, he has bags of talent but it is his first season in the PL and he is only 18,
  20. Sifu

    Arsene Wenger

    They have badly missed Wilshere in CM too.
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