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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. He's definitely off this summer like (imho).
  2. Squillaci injured now. Defence is fucked.
  3. Needs a goal. Brings on Rosicky.
  4. O'Shea got the ball. After he made contact. Was convinced at first that it was a penalty but then the replay showed O'Shea getting the ball, need to see it again really.
  5. This really is the poorest Arsenal side I've ever seen in my lifetime.
  6. Arsenal really are lacking in defensive options like.
  7. Asamoah Gyan has decided to "temporarily" rule himself out for selection for future Ghana internationals. EDIT:
  8. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    Aye. Played at RB it seems, got an assist too.
  9. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    Just had a look there, he wasn't even playing today! (Nor was he on the bench).
  10. Sifu


    The mackems losing by quite a large margin would be nice. Though I suspect it's going to be a close game.
  11. The tempo is too slow and they don't create that many clear cut chances. B'ham worked hard and had a very solid shape. I see, thanks for that. Nice to see Hughton doing well with Birmingham like! Though Chelsea really need to win the replay.....
  12. Just seen the Chelsea-Birmingham result. Credit to Hughton and a discredit to Villas-Boas I guess? (Were Chelsea that bad?)
  13. Warnock would actually fit right in at Leeds.
  14. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    As i said if we find a replacement for Pardew, he must be a top manager if not dont risk the transition period. We have being through many s*** managers since Bobby but not one has being a top manager. Still waiting for the club to open to eyes really. Didier Claude Deschamps actually made some real position comments when we had the position available, and look who we go on and employ. Realistically though, who else could possibly work under the conditions Ashley has set? Jamie and the magic f***ing torch the way this lad is going on Find a manager who doesn't need a transition period? Keegan is the only person I can see capable of that and I can't see him coming back any time soon. Read the post, if not for a top class manager ( who would have a better chance or likely to get it right) or dont risk another average manager through another transitition Every manager, be it a top class one or an average one, has to go through a transitional period at a new club (that is, he has get to know the players already at the club; bring in his own personne/get rid of people from the old regimel if need be - essentially it's a massive shake up/new era/new style etc). You silly boy, quality manager = instant, guaranteed success. It's how logic works. Ooops, silly me indeed! D'oh!
  15. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    As i said if we find a replacement for Pardew, he must be a top manager if not dont risk the transition period. We have being through many s*** managers since Bobby but not one has being a top manager. Still waiting for the club to open to eyes really. Didier Claude Deschamps actually made some real position comments when we had the position available, and look who we go on and employ. Realistically though, who else could possibly work under the conditions Ashley has set? Jamie and the magic f***ing torch the way this lad is going on Find a manager who doesn't need a transition period? Keegan is the only person I can see capable of that and I can't see him coming back any time soon. Read the post, if not for a top class manager ( who would have a better chance or likely to get it right) or dont risk another average manager through another transitition Every manager, be it a top class one or an average one, has to go through a transitional period at a new club (that is, he has get to know the players already at the club; bring in his own personnel/get rid of people from the old regimel if need be - essentially it's a massive shake up/new era/new style etc).
  16. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    As i said if we find a replacement for Pardew, he must be a top manager if not dont risk the transition period. We have being through many s*** managers since Bobby but not one has being a top manager. Still waiting for the club to open to eyes really. Didier Claude Deschamps actually made some real position comments when we had the position available, and look who we go on and employ. Realistically though, who else could possibly work under the conditions Ashley has set?
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