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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I only said a bit. I didn't say he should bulk up to an extreme level, a little extra muscle will be beneficial to him imo (the management/Shane seems to think so too, otherwise why is he on a special muscle building programme as Michael said above?)
  2. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    That's how most people interpreted it. In my mind, I saw it as "we'll have a good go at them and if we lose, ah well, c'est la vie" - of course this didn't happen. As a result he was criticised for the performance/lack of tactics (and the fact we didn't have a go at Spurs at all).
  3. Sifu

    Tamas Kadar

    I did hear some rumours that he was a bit of a pisshead. No idea if they're true though (he did hang around with Ranger quite a lot from what I understand).
  4. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing Ireland play in the Euros. Xavi/Iniesta vs Andrews/Whelan is a mouthwatering prospect.
  5. Sifu


    Naming a stand after him is a bit excessive like! Crazy fools. But tbf, his partnership with ratboy was lethal (the mackems' good times really).
  6. Just thought I'd say that Sullivan, Gold and Brady are absolute cretins of the highest order. Their business acumen is a bit s**** too imho (despite their supposed "track records").
  7. Sifu

    Tamas Kadar

    If given the chance, he'll essentially be playing for his future too. Hope he takes his opportunity if given one. It's now down to him to show Pardew that he's worth it and can do a job for the first team when called upon. Seems there's no chance of him being given a go though, no? Even if someone got injured I bet Perch would start ahead of him. Well, unfortunately he is actually one of the players who is going to be released in the summer. So really, he's not going to get a chance like. As it stands, like you've said, Perch is more likely to start if we have an injury at CB. At best, Kadar will be on the bench I think (he was when we played Brighton anyway when Colo was injured). It's an absolute shame.
  8. Think Shane was always going to choose the North. From what I gather, Nigel Worthington was the reason why Fergie didn't properly commit before. Now that said manager is gone, think he's more than happy to be part of the Northern Irish squad.
  9. Indeed, good appointment though imho.
  10. So he wants to play in the PL......that's done it then. Bring him in! Like I pretty much said on the previous page, hopefully the existence of our French contingent will be a key factor in our favour and will persuade him to come here.
  11. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    This is getting a bit boring but this is my input: Ben Arfa should be starting games, it's as simple as that. Pardew's handling of this whole affair (comments in public instead of private, etc.) is definitely one thing which I disagree with but to suggest that Pardew shouldn't be managing the club because of such a situation is quite laughable imo. This may be massive wishful thinking on my part but I'm pretty certain Pardew wants to play Ben Arfa in the team but for unknown reasons (we really don't know what's going on behind the scenes), it's simply not happening. Hmmm. Mind you though, I'll go as far as to say that I'm confident Ben Arfa has a future here. I say, let's wait and see what happens between now and the end of the season - on the one hand, the situation could improve very favourably or on the other, the situation deteriorates, ie. he doesn't get into the team even though the likes of Cabaye and Tiote are in the side.
  12. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I agree with your line of thinking actually.
  13. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Not a bad idea like! City council should do it tbh. in massive f***ing writing across the stands I reckon they should put up massive St. James' Park street signs where the original sign was. (Maybe a street sign right by Shearer's too).
  14. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Not a bad idea like! As far as I'm aware, don't think there's a strict law as such prohibiting lit projections. (I'm only guessing btw, I'm not a law expert).
  15. Definitely like the look of this and aye, it should be the team for every game!
  16. A man running himself over reminds of this:
  17. What, like this? http://i.imgur.com/C7enE.png Good ol' Sheffield. I lived on Edward Street in my first year of uni (that area used to be the Red Light District.....)
  18. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Really can't see that happening imo. The risks of such a proposal would be too great - for one thing, the fans would actually stop going to games and as a result, Ashley would literally lose money by the second. There's no "business" without its customers.
  19. Sifu

    St James' Park

    But those kids will have Dad's like us, if my two call it anything other than St James' Park then i'll put them right.........hopefully all other parents will too, that or we will just call in Social Services That's the hope! In any case, anyone who lives in Newcastle/is a Newcastle fan should call it St. James' Park. The issue comes from others who have a vendetta against us and will call it SDA to spite us (such as some people in the media, *cough* BBC *cough*). I just ignore most media outlets as most have an agenda of one sort or another, we know what its called and so will my kids anyhoo. It's hard to ignore the media these days like. So, unfortunately their insistence of using the SDA will annoyingly pop up from time to time (the BBC being the main culprit really). But like you say, we all know what it's called so the name won't be completely lost (regionally anyway). Having said that though, I can understand Wullie's concerns as the name, St. James' Park is likely to be lost in the mainstream in the future. I'm an non Geordie, now i would think most who are and support us would never use SDA, and pass that on to their kids and so on. I'm not as worried about being lost in the mainstream, over the last few years the utter nonsense spouted by them about us, is something i've ignored for years anyway. That's the hope mate! The name will live on for many years to come amongst our support but I'm one of those who would prefer it if it wasn't completely lost in the mainstream. Guess I should follow your lead and ignore what the media says really.
  20. Sifu

    St James' Park

    But those kids will have Dad's like us, if my two call it anything other than St James' Park then i'll put them right.........hopefully all other parents will too, that or we will just call in Social Services That's the hope! In any case, anyone who lives in Newcastle/is a Newcastle fan should call it St. James' Park. The issue comes from others who have a vendetta against us and will call it SDA to spite us (such as some people in the media, *cough* BBC *cough*). I just ignore most media outlets as most have an agenda of one sort or another, we know what its called and so will my kids anyhoo. It's hard to ignore the media these days like. So, unfortunately their insistence of using the SDA will annoyingly pop up from time to time (the BBC being the main culprit really). But like you say, we all know what it's called so the name won't be completely lost (regionally anyway). Having said that though, I can understand Wullie's concerns as the name, St. James' Park is likely to be lost in the mainstream in the future.
  21. Sifu

    St James' Park

    But those kids will have Dad's like us, if my two call it anything other than St James' Park then i'll put them right.........hopefully all other parents will too, that or we will just call in Social Services That's the hope! In any case, anyone who lives in Newcastle/is a Newcastle fan should/will call it St. James' Park. However, the issue comes from others who have a vendetta against us and will call it SDA to spite us (such as some people in the media, *cough* BBC *cough*) - this could lead to the potential loss of the name in the mainstream media.
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