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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Went for dinner there and I've come back to the laptop to Liverpool winning 6-1!? 3 own goals too, woah!
  2. Alan Green going apeshit about the Carroll - El-Abd "battle".
  3. Was just about to post the same thing! Having those two in the final will indeed be of a massive benefit to our chances of European qualification.
  4. Quarter Final Draw time. Yay (meh).
  5. Rush of blood to the head! Credit to Stevenage today btw.
  6. Opta Sports @OptaJoe 0 - Stevenage haven’t conceded a goal in the FA Cup this season whilst Spurs have kept 3 clean sheets in their last 4 FA Cup games. Blank.
  7. Indeed, not been his best game.
  8. Hmmm, got a feeling that Stevenage might nick this. Hope not.
  9. Seriously, can't ITV hire another presenter? Adrian Chiles has been on my TV way too much for my liking.
  10. Sifu


    Did he? I never knew that. My estimation of him has gone way up. Piers Morgan is unspeakable. I am wildly happy that he is associated with Arsenal.
  11. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Think we'll be fine getting out of the group stage. The knockout stages, however, is when it might go very wrong (a la WC2010).
  12. Sifu


    Jeremy Clarkson had it right when he decided to punch Morgan all those years ago.
  13. Didn't they say the post was not for a 'novice'? Not to be unfair to Clark, but in managerial terms he still is pretty green. Even with their first shortlist seemingly unavailable, doubt they'd renege on such a bold statement, so soon - more out of pride than anything else! Ah yeah, so they did. True, Clark still isn't quite there yet. Not sure who Wolves will bring in now really, especially now that their first choices have seemingly turned them down. Your suggestion of Sven might be a good shout actually, hmmm.
  14. I wonder if Wolves would be willing to take a chance on Lee Clark.....
  15. http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/45057000/jpg/_45057360_kinnear_pa416.jpg
  16. Suarez and Evra are actually related.
  17. Sifu


    @masterplan_safc His timeline is a funny read tbh.
  18. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    Thought you meant Alan Smith for a moment. My mind was ready to leave my skull. Apple juice and cider tips
  19. Sifu


    Hmmm, credit to the mackems I suppose. Their counter attacks were certainly the key today - they completely rattled Arsenal's weaklink, the defence. Another thing was the constant defensive pressure, ie. not giving the Arsenal players time to do anything with the ball. (Meh).
  20. Sifu

    Arsene Wenger

    Will be let go at the end of the season I reckons. Don't think they'll sack him any time soon - I reckon they'll let him see the season out.......
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