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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Not really. The series got really crap after PES6 tbh. FIFA09 onwards......brilliant.
  2. Hope this is true, €5m is a bargain. IIRC, he can cover anywhere in defence even though he's primarily a CB? Hopefully the existence of our French contingent here will help to sway his decision (as well as the opportunity to play in the PL).
  3. Sifu

    St James' Park

    I think this too, hmmm. Still, fair play to him for doing it.
  4. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Just seen that photo of the St. James' graffiti. Got to say, fair play to whoever did that tbh.
  5. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    We need to attack Wolves from the off and for that reason, Ben Arfa should start. Just can't see Raylor/Obertan causing the Wolves defence as many problems as Ben Arfa.
  6. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Indeed but in general, I like the new layout.
  7. What a goal that was from Topal in the Stoke-Valencia game.
  8. Good ball, good run, good finish.
  9. What just happened with the Porto player? Wasn't paying attention....
  10. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    This is the very tactic I fear will massively backfire. You cant defend your way to a champions league spot if thats what he is going for. We need to actually want to dictate matches. That being said, even aiming at the CL is redicilous and would be such a pipedream that really - where we are sat now - we have absolutely nothing to lose. And that is why I think its such a crying shame to play Ryan Taylor, Obertan etc over Ben arfa. Why not hope for some magic and some screaming 3-pointers in the bag? Big assumption right there, and Im not sure we can conclude with such a thing based on an interview. Has any of his previous clubs played pass-and-move swansea style? Additionally, Im not sure Pardew was the pivotal part in signing cabaye or any other player for that matter. He may have his preferences in regards to what position he needs strengthened, or key attributes ( ie: pace for instance), but I dont think he has neither a definite say nor can he pin point any spesific player he wants signed. I suspect its a combination of Carr, Dekka, Mike and with some input from Pardew if need be. January window was telling in that respect, we cried out for some defensive strengthening and came out with a striker ( not that I complain ) Bottom line is I think players such as Cabaye - at that price - would have been signed regardless of who our manager was, so I dont think you can say "since he is a pass-and-mover, therefor Pardew wants to play pass-and-move fotball". Thats a bit too easy. What is blatantly obvious though is that Cabaye is deployed way deeper than his initial ( and imo preferred) position and as an advanced centre midfielder, was it 15 goals he smashed in from that position in the 2009/2010 Lille season? He has been a bit of a disappointment for me this season tbh, and I dont think using him as a "everywhere" midfielder is optimal, he is far too talented for that kind of cleaning job. In terms of transfers, I really do think that Pardew has some input in them but in the end, any potential transfer is really down to the financial constraints in place. I may have made a lot of assumptions in my post but I genuinely do believe that Pardew wants us to play a passing game (or even a mix of direct football and passing it along the deck) - we shall see next season methinks. Regarding Cabaye, he is still adapting to the PL imo but admittedly aye, he is playing deeper than I would like him to most of the time. But I think as soon as the Cabaye-Tiote partnership in CM properly clicks, I reckon Yohan will be more influential in games (I know, it's another assumption but again, I'm confident it will happen). I can understand your concerns that "playing it safe" might end up backfiring but I'm cautiously optimistic that this won't be the case. Though I would like Ben Arfa to start games/get an extended in the side sooner rather than later (please Alan?). One thing we have to do though is to make sure we win against the lesser teams (starting with Wolves next weekend) and push on from there.
  11. Nah, it'll be Barry De Jong Silva Yaya Nasri Balotelli That makes more sense.
  12. Yaya Toure's playing upfront? Eh?
  13. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    One thing people have to remember is that this is Pardew's first full season. Progress has certainly been made this season like, so really, if we want to continue progressing (and thus achieve success in the long term), time and patience will be needed imo. By that reckoning, Pardew should stay for the long haul. If we get rid of him at the end of the season, it'll almost definitely disrupt the camp (especially when it seems that Pardew is well liked by the players). Stability is definitely the key imho. There's also that saying, "Rome wasn't build in a day". Of course, if things go well on the pitch, Pardew deserves praise and if things go wrong, he deserves some criticism - it's all part of the package as a manager. Sure, there may have been some instances this season when it has looked like he hasn't learned from previous mistakes but what I'm thinking is that he's "playing it safe" so that he is able to maintain our current position. Pre-season didn't go well for us and it almost certainly led to Pardew to throw his initial plans (presumably pass and play, otherwise why would we sign Cabaye?) out the window. I'm confident that he wants us to play the passing game but circumstances have altered this view. Definitely stick with him I say.
  14. Thought he messed up the chance when he decided to take another touch inside. Lucky for him and Man U, this wasn't the case.
  15. Sifu

    St James' Park

    that little shop downstairs within the club shop is a s/d owned shop aint it? Cant remember the name tey using there though Aye, it's called Soccer Scene.
  16. 1-0 Man Utd it is. Ha! Could very well happen and Nani will probably score the winner too..........
  17. Average game. Ajax have been better in terms of chances whereas Man U have been really underwhelming. Nani has been crap.
  18. Always loved seeing the Shearer salute like. Nolan's chicken dance last season was great too - loved seeing it against the mackems in particular.
  19. "Thursday night, Channel 5!" Nice to see some of the Man U fans embracing their new home on Thursdays....
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