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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    The England Thread

    IMO, Terry should be dropped from the squad altogether (unlikely to happen though). I think it reflects badly on English football as a whole if Terry is allowed to go to (or even captain England) the Euros with a trial relating to racism around the corner.
  2. Sifu


    The city's not getting the blame really. It's just the OP who's implying it (he's either completely got the wrong end of the stick or is simply trolling). Davies' wife is getting a lot of stick in that thread though.
  3. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Raylor has certainly made a massive improvement this season. Thought he was dogshit for the last few years but this year, he's proved that he is a player who can do a job on either flank (be it as a fullback or a winger). Such versatility is an asset. His delivery, free-kick-taking ability and shooting (all down to his technique) are great attributes and have certainly contributed to us winning games/earning points this season. Having said that, he is quite limited in terms of his general play which is why he shouldn't be a starter. As some people have said, he's a great squad player and can be a dangerous option off the bench.
  4. Given's return, meh Think I'm at that point where I don't really care now (basically what Ste said).
  5. Why wouldn't he just pick Ryan Taylor again? Have I missed something? Well we were being overrun in centre midfield last night and bringing on Perch reduced the threat a bit. Just don't see Raylor as an effective CM, he can do a decent job on the flanks but in the centre? Not sure. We need a defensive CM playing and don't think Raylor is that kind of player.
  6. It'll be between Abeid and Perch for that second CM spot imo. Think Abeid will get the nod with Perch coming on for the last 15 minutes or so (depending on how the game is going).
  7. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    Nah, Tavernier is more than likely to stay. I assume as soon as he's back from MK Dons, we'll offer him a new contract.
  8. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    Would he not have played with McCarthy for Ireland at some point in the 80s? If so he's probably big pals with him, because there's certainly no other explanation. Wolves in 8th with 36 points from 23 games for Christs sake! Guess that would make sense. Yeah, there really isn't any other explanation!
  9. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    Seriously, what is it with Lawrenson and Wolves? It actually makes no sense
  10. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    nufcTV interview?
  11. Abhorrent rule. What's the justification - is it something to do with advertising? Political reasons apparently (the message under the shirt thing).
  12. He does need work on the defensive side of his game like. Still young so he has plenty of time to learn and develop. He'll be fine.
  13. 34 points for this gameweek. I've had Ben Arfa as captain for the last few weeks or so and I shall continue with this arrangement methinks.
  14. usually they're not bad at scoring goals however very early judging of that fellow modeste based off 1st half on football first is he hasn't the vaguest clue what a goal is or where to score one Modeste got himself into good positions but his shooting was shite, did he get any on target tonight?
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