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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    Excellent performance today. Worked really hard and made some great passes Having Perch alongside him gave him a bit more freedom in the middle too - gave him more reason to attack and be more of an influence.
  2. Put Cissé in my team and I also made him captain
  3. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Hopefully it is only bruising and not a broken leg. In any case, get well soon Ryan! Decent contribution before he had to go off - he played a key role in Ba's goal.
  4. Great to have him back Yeah, he did look a bit off the pace but with a run of games, he'll be fine.
  5. A lot of important saves today. My MOTM tbh.
  6. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    It's you or Man City really. Can't see him signing a new deal. He will only have 1 year left in the summer as well. Depends on what Arsenal do this season. If they finish below 4th and end up having a trophyless season, he's off in the summer imo.
  7. Fantastic result. What a goal from Cissé. Brilliant take on the volley. Up to 5th and level on points with Chelsea. Whoa!
  8. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    What a fantastic goal that was from the lad. Some canny movement from him too. (Though he was offside quite a few times, but I'm sure he'll learn from that). Really looking forward to seeing the Ba-Cissé partnership develop!
  9. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Should stay like, he's proved to be a great squad player. So he's earned a new contract imo.
  10. Looking forward to seeing a "new" Tavernier next season like. Hopefully, he'll be able to compete with Simpson.
  11. Just seen the line up. 4-4-2 I see.....(plus no Ben Arfa but Ba being back is a massive positive).
  12. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Owt interesting? 9 questions chosen off twitter to ask Papiss. Q1: What are your first thoughts of Newcastle as a club and a city? A: First of all, i know that it is a big club, a great club, at the moment i don't know much about the city, but what i've seen outside the city it seems nice. Q2: 50,000 people will be watching on Sunday, how much are you looking forward to it? A: Yes, yes, really excited, that's what i'm here for so i'm really looking forward to the match. Q3: What do you think you will add to this team? A: What can i bring to the team? Well i'm going to do as i've always done. I've found a good place in this team, so i'm just going to bring what i've always done and always be there for the rest of the group. Q4: How confident are you that you can uphold the glory of the number 9 shirt? A: Yes, yes, it's a good opportunity and as i said today i'm going to look after the shirt carefully. People say that it is a number that comes with responsibility so i'm going to do everything i can to show that i am worthy. Q5: Who is your biggest inspiration in football? A: My greatest inspiration? I've always liked Samuel Eto'o. He's someone i really admire. And Didier Drogba aswell. Q6: Who do you most look forward to playing against in the Premier League? A: I've always admired Chelsea so i'm looking forward to that game, but now i'm here at Newcastle and my heart is here with me. Q7: Demba loves Strawberry Syrup. What food or drink gets you going? A: Tea, I really like Senegalese tea with all the dishes you have along with it. Q8: Who do you think will score more in 2012 - you or Demba? A: That won't be easy seeing as he's already scored 15 goals. I also hope that i'll score lots of goals but we will see, we will see. I'm not here to compete against Demba. I'm here to work well with him and try and put the team ahead. Q9: Do you have a special celebration when you score? A: I pray, to thank God. Can't wait to see him in action tomorrow. I suspect he may be on the bench though but hopefully he'll come on for the last 20 minutes or so.
  13. http://images.wikia.com/backofthenet/images/a/ac/Ketsbaia.jpg I'd put that in the "escaped mental patient" folder. On a side note, those silky shorts man, absolutely horrible. 'orrible kit in general. Yeah, didn't like that kit. The following one was great though.
  14. Delia thought it was a good idea. Apparently Dave Whelan thinks so too.
  15. McClean is an ugly fucker like. (Fits in at Sunderland then).
  16. Was a yellow card at most for Huth.
  17. Delia thought it was a good idea.
  18. Did Adam Johnson just admit to diving there?
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