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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Ba's quotes from earlier: The man himself has said he is happy enough here and is only focusing on the ACoN atm. Sure, he's mentioned that he would possibly like to go to PSG some day but as it stands, he's not really thinking about leaving us properly. It does sound like he's still committed to us. As a result, I'm confident that he's not leaving us this month. (Summer however is a different matter).
  2. More: So yeah, definitely written for him by his people EDIT: Actually that "The king is dead" quote reminds me of when he was talking about Hughton's sacking.
  3. Just had a look there, transfers aren't unlimited for me.
  4. @Joey7Barton Joseph Barton Gutted to hear about the manager losing his job. We have to stick together as a club at times like these and believe in those above. I'd like to thank Neil, Keith and Mick personally for all they did whilst I was here and wish them all the best in the future.
  5. The night is still young...
  6. You'd hope so wouldnt you. You never know....we might go get Cissokho in the summer..... honestly couldn't give a toss which foot they kick with providing they can do the job. i've seen enough players play very well on their supposed wrong side to know that for some players it just doesn't matter.
  7. Nice. But nothing to worry about really.
  8. Sifu


    Not really its the 140 characters thing isn't it, saves him 2 characters dont it. Yeah, I know that. I was going on about "ur" being apparently censored by the swear filter. (whoosh?) Ahhh right sorry mate, yes very odd as its not as if it can mistaken for a swear word. No worries
  9. Sifu


    Not really its the 140 characters thing isn't it, saves him 2 characters dont it. Yeah, I know that. I was going on about "ur" being apparently censored by the swear filter. (whoosh?)
  10. Was just going to mention that... appears photos of him not going mental don't exist! That is the main thing about him I dislike, people say he "tells it like it is" yet all I see is him constantly kicking and screaming, he just seems to go absolutely mental at everything and everyone. Yep, my feelings exactly. Moans and whinges about everything.
  11. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    I assume only for training/keeping fit purposes? Or is it a loan? a lern Ah Just had a look there on google, Villa will be Keane's 10th club!
  12. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    I assume only for training/keeping fit purposes? Or is it a loan?
  13. Unfortunately, can really see this happening. No doubt about it. He will be booed every time he touches the ball and there'll be many anti Evra chants during the build up and game. They'll all probably wear Suarez shirts as well.......
  14. Unfortunately, can really see this happening.
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